MacOS High Sierra (10.13) upgrade ends with black screen

Contributor III

Seeing an issue, to which i never saw from 10.13 beta 8 - GM using the following script

Essentially script does some system checks, throws up some info with jamfhelper and runs the following as the logged in user:

/Applications/Install macOS High --applicationpath "/Applications/Install macOS High" --nointeraction --pidtosignal $jamfHelperPID &

Towards the end of the install, screen is black, but i can make out the login window is behind it by moving the cursor towards the top of the screen, keyboard and touchbar are lit. Looking in the JSS I can see the device has updated to 10.13 as a recon is run via a LaunchDaemon at the end of the install workflow. At this stage i need to hard reboot the device.

I'm clutching at straws here but it may be because I have an external screen connected which is the only difference in setup between beta and final release. Any ideas?


New Contributor

Hey I'm trying to do this and got to the same stage/issue. Any updates/ideas?? S

Valued Contributor III

My issue after I run my config script I have a reboot and that is showing the close to same symptom. However 1/3 of the time it's a black screen 1/3 of the time it's a pink screen and 1/3 of the time it's a teal screen. I am testing on about 10 machines mix and match models.