MacOS Updates - Policy Vs Remote Command

Contributor III

Iam not sure if anyone else here is intrested, but i raised the following Feature request to allow a policy to be created in JAMF which would update all devices scroped to it to a particular OS version: Minimum and maximum patch level | Jamf Nation Feature Requests
I raised one of these before when remote commnads were first introduced but there wasnt much dammand for it. Now its been a few years on it looks like we are still resorting to sending push commnads natively within JAMF Pro. Other vendors do allow you to set patch levels so jamf should be able to implement this, and we shouldnt have to resort to third party scripts or applications just to get updates. If other agree it would help if others upvote the feature request


Valued Contributor II

get on the 10.48 beta.. due to NDA I can say no more.. 😃

Contributor III

Does it work though with derrerals in place?

Valued Contributor II

beta is under NDA.. you can get a beta instance spun up... and see where updates are heading to.. and then comment in the beta forum.. 😎

Do we request this through jamf support.

Valued Contributor II

log into your jamf account to enrol in beta

Esteemed Contributor II

@SCCM Take a look at Apple's Explore advances in declarative device management session from WWDC23 where they publicly announce that Declarative Device Management in macOS Sonoma will allow specifying a minimum supported versions to macOS (or iOS/iPadOS) for enrollment, and for updates they're adding the ability to specify a date & time when updating to a specific version of macOS/iOS/iPadOS will be enforced. I don't believe Jamf has publicly committed to when they'll be adding support for DDM, but since DDM is the replacement for Configuration Profiles I have no doubt they're working on it.

Contributor III

Thanks @sdagley I only created the feature request due to the lack of information they gave at this years JAMF live. All they said was its Declarative management is coming not how its being implemented. When ever Intune implements apples framework, they normally include all of it, when JAMF does it they select the bits they want like with software updates .

If its in the Beta like @jamf-42 said I will wait for it to be released

Contributor II

I suggest signing up for the 10.48 beta cant say anymore due to NDA

Contributor II

Well this new feature is live and it sucks like everything else Jamf implements.

First, why is there no Filter box and can only view 100 at a time, i have over 500 smart groups and using the search function of the browser isn't ideal since i have to keep turning pages.


I think it would be better implemented as part of a Policy (like OP said) vs a whole new area, but either way it doesn't really give us any better functionality.


but more importantly it still doesn't work just like the mass actions, basically a crappy slightly easier way to get to the mass actions, saves you like 2 clicks but doesn't gain any improved functionality.  


If they added a filter box then it would be at least worth their efforts, not sure what the reason for not having a filter box on any page that has multiple line items to search, such as the packages page and i think there are a few mroe i cant remember of the top of my head.