macOS Ventura OS versions. Some shows 13.2, some show 13.2.0 ?

Contributor III

Hi all,

  Don't know if anyone observed this, or even care.
Within JAMF inventory, any Macbooks running macOS Ventura will show random .0 to end the OS version number. Eg:


My observation is this is completely random. It doesn't matter if the Macbook is an old Intel, or the new Apple Silicon M1/M1Pro. It also doesn't matter if the Macbook was upgraded to macOS Ventura, or reimaged directly to macOS Ventura. The ".0" appearing at the end is completely random.

What give? And does it even matter?
I am thinking for the future, what happens if macOS 13.2.1 comes out, and I need to find all Macbooks 13.2 or older. Do I need to have seperate scoping because there's 2 ways to identify 13.2 & 13.2.0 ?


Esteemed Contributor II

@Bernard_Huang I'm not sure if this is an Apple bug or a Jamf Bug, but Jamf can definitely normalize it, and it does look like Patch Management for macOS has changed recently as I'm not seeing .0s today.

For the detection of 13.2 or 13.2.0 use "less than 13.2.1" and "greater than 13.1"

Valued Contributor II

I have heard some speculation that it has to do with inventory collected via a recon versus the inventory collected by declarative management. But I can't confirm. 

But, yes it is annoying and I wish Jamf would normalize the reporting. 

New Contributor III

I think your theory is correct! 

Just ran `sudo jamf recon` and my own laptop entry on Jamf Pro is showing `13.2.0` and I am quite sure it was showing `13.2` earlier (should have noted before running the command).


So should we all run 'sudo jamf recon' on all Macbooks?
Or raise a ticket with JAMF to fix this up?
I don't think running sudo jamf recon everytime a new macOS version comes out is efficient.

New Contributor

@Bernard_Huang I am experiencing the same problem and found the Operating System Build number "22D49" is the same for computers reporting the Mac OS version as either 13.2 or 13.2.0.

Based on this I can identify computers that are not running the latest OS using a smart group that checks the operating system version is like "13" and the build is not "22D49".