Make user admin at logon but at logout make user as a standard user

New Contributor III

Hello! I would like to set a login and logout script that makes the logged in user as admin and then when the same user logs out, logout script is run which makes the user a default user. This is to prevent users from using the admin account to change startup options on a Mac computer. Has anyone done that yet?


Contributor III

@jamflund I just tested this script on Mojave, Sierra, High Sierra, Catalina. Worked well.


localAccts=$(dscl . list /Users UniqueID | awk '$2>500{print $1}' | grep -v localadmin)

while read account; do echo "Making sure $account is not in the local admin group" dseditgroup -o edit -d $account admin
done < <(echo "$localAccts")

exit 0

Contributor III

Isn’t the logout trigger removed in macOS Big Sur?