mbpro not checking in ??

Valued Contributor II

I have a MBPro that was enrolled with quick add.pkg over wifi, currently the computer is connected with USB to Ethernet in a 141.XXX.XXX.XXX (, I prefer them to be ethernet connected when the computers are at work.
How do I get this to check-in?
I Sent a blank push earlier from the mgmt tab of the computer entry.

here is the info from the General section of the computer:

Last Inventory Update:02/13/2015 at 4:48 PM
Last Check-in:02/13/2015 at 4:50 PM
IP Address:
Reported IP Address:
jamf binary Version:9.51
Managed:Managed by ***
Last Enrollment:02/13/2015 at 12:50 PM
MDM Capability:Yes

Model:13-inch Retina MacBook Pro (Late 2013)


Legendary Contributor III

Its supposed to check in automatically. When enrolled, it should get a LaunchDaemon installed on it that might show up as com.jamfsofware.task.1.plist (Might have a 2 or other number as well)
This LaunchDaemon has a StartInterval set in it that matches the check-in setting from your JSS, so something like 15 minutes, 30 minutes etc.

It fires off every X minutes, uses a random delay start time to stagger the connections to the JSS and then connects and looks for policies, etc.

If the Mac isn't checking in, it either means somethign is up with the network connection its on, as in, can't see the JSS, or something is wrong with the LaunchDaemon. I'd even check to make sure the LaunchDaemon isn't missing and is actually running:

sudo launchctl list | grep jamf

Should see something along these lines the from above command

-   0   com.jamfsoftware.task.Every 30 Minutes
114 -   com.jamfsoftware.jamf.daemon

View solution in original post


Legendary Contributor III

Its supposed to check in automatically. When enrolled, it should get a LaunchDaemon installed on it that might show up as com.jamfsofware.task.1.plist (Might have a 2 or other number as well)
This LaunchDaemon has a StartInterval set in it that matches the check-in setting from your JSS, so something like 15 minutes, 30 minutes etc.

It fires off every X minutes, uses a random delay start time to stagger the connections to the JSS and then connects and looks for policies, etc.

If the Mac isn't checking in, it either means somethign is up with the network connection its on, as in, can't see the JSS, or something is wrong with the LaunchDaemon. I'd even check to make sure the LaunchDaemon isn't missing and is actually running:

sudo launchctl list | grep jamf

Should see something along these lines the from above command

-   0   com.jamfsoftware.task.Every 30 Minutes
114 -   com.jamfsoftware.jamf.daemon

New Contributor

I've noticed this in my environment.

Have you looked under management and seen if there is a "Pending" or "Failed" command there? Clearing it out and resetting those might allow it to pick up a new update inventory command that will occur at Check-In.

If there is nothing under Management pending....

Not sure what is causing it, but I'm curious if you were to remove the JSS Framework, and re-enroll this device, if will check in.

I've had this issue on MacBook Airs, and if I remove all the Framework and re-add it. Im fine. I can push policies, profiles, etc....

I'm running 9.62 in my environment.

Valued Contributor II

in the JSS mbpro is listed with 10.x.x.x which is the wifi subnet here, but currently the mbpro is connected via ethernet (usb to ethernet 141.x.x.x). Looking at my current inventory, all 10.x.x.x have not checked in, while all the 141.x.x.x (etherrnet connected iMacs,mbpro,mbair) have checked in.

Management Tab = no pending commands, no failed commands

running sudo launchctl list | grep name from an ethernet connected mbpro
759 - 0x7f9.............
730 - com.jamfsoftware.jamf.daemon
- - com.jamfsoftware.task.every 60 Minutes

I believe its the 10.x.x.x address has to do with it. QuickAdd.pkg was used to enroll, and it must of been enrolled while on WiFi.

should somewhere on the enrolled computer be a file showing the address of the JSS that is used to check-in with?

If the computer is enrolled via WiFi and then checks in via Ethernet will it update the ip address in the JSS ?

New Contributor

Can you SSH to the machine? If so, SSH in and try doing "sudo jamf checkJSSConnection -verbose" If it is seeing the JSS it will tell you there...if not, you will see an error. When Inventory is run on the machine, it will update as to whatever IP it currently has.

Legendary Contributor III
should somewhere on the enrolled computer be a file showing the address of the JSS that is used to check-in with?
defaults read /Library/Preferences/com.jamfsoftware.jamf.plist jss_url

will print back the server address the Mac is configured to or managed by, and what it attempts to check in with.

Release Candidate Programs Tester

Situations like this are one reason I wrote CasperCheck:


New Contributor

+1 @rtrouton

I have CasperCheck setup in my environment...works like a charm for these kinds of things.

Valued Contributor II

Tomorrow I will try the sudo jamf jssconnection -verbose from the machine, and the jss_url check.

Does the variables for the Caspercheck.sh go in quotation marks?

Valued Contributor II

I am getting not SSH connection when using hostname and ip address of any 10.x.x.x address. From other inventoried macs SSH via ip address is working (but not via host name). I'll have to wait until i can get physical access to that mbpro and the others on the 10.X.x.x subnet

Valued Contributor II

It finally checked in on its own today @ 10.-.-.- address