McAfee MNE Password Policy and FileVault

Contributor III

Hello, currently we have our security team managing FileVault, this will change over time.

I had two questions:

The security team wants to test a feature, Password Content rules from the MNE/EPO Console for our FileVault process.

The description from the McAfee rep said its actually a separate password from the user account, which makes no sense and never heard of this.
So is it actually a second password layer....or is similar to a Passcode policy in Casper or AD?

Apply password content rules — Allows you to set password settings on to OS X, which will enforce these password settings on the client system.

Once we consume Fiilevault from our security team, would Casper need to decrypt the systems or just consume the key and turn off the MNE policy?

Thank you!


Contributor III

Found this article; - looks like thats what the password policy from MNE is referencing, where it disables automatic log-in, and creates a pre-boot log in.
does anyone actually use this type of FV set up in their environment?