McAfee Security for Mac 1.1 and first run install

Honored Contributor


I have MSM 1.1 marked as install at first boot and it's failing to install properly. Has anyone else run into this? I've compiled my configuration and after laying down the disk image, the package in /System/Library/StartupItems/FirstRun/Resources/Packages has a file size of 0k. This is likely why it's failing, I just don't know why it's 0k. I re-blew the permissions through the CasperShare as the installer is an mpkg and have freshly re-compiled but no luck.

Anyone run into this?

Jared F. Nichols
Desktop Engineer, Client Services
Information Services Department
MIT Lincoln Laboratory
244 Wood Street
Lexington, Massachusetts 02420


Valued Contributor

I'm also deploying MSM at first boot, no problems encountered. Does the package in the casper share install normally outside of the imaging process?
Nick Kalister
Desktop Engineering
Hitachi Data Systems
Office: 408.970.4316

750 Central Expressway
Building 32 : M/S 3240
Santa Clara, CA 95050

New Contributor

For me I have to install the ePO Agent, MSM 1.1 and then a hotfix. I have all the pkg's (in a dmg) push to /etc/scripts, then a script that runs at reboot. The script also cleans these up. I do the same to upgrade existing clients but use the -u instead of -i on the agent script.

I haven't had any luck pushing the pkg of msm1.1. The hotfixes will push fine but not the app.

Valued Contributor

I always forget to mention that I'm not net booting, I'm doing offline imaging from USB.
Anyway, I've never had to repackage the MSM 1.1 installer in an offline imaging scenario, fwiw.
Nick Kalister
Desktop Engineering
Hitachi Data Systems
Office: 408.970.4316

750 Central Expressway
Building 32 : M/S 3240
Santa Clara, CA 95050

Honored Contributor

Interesting. We've always had Casper install ePO and then ePO push down MSM. We were requested by our IT Security team to try and install both pieces at imaging time to cut down on some of the work ePO has to do. So, it's not critical that we solve this as we have a working (and supported by McAfee) solution.

Myself, I prefer to have ePO push it as it's the vendor supported mechanism so I've got no skin in this game.

Jared F. Nichols
Desktop Engineer, Client Services
Information Services Department
MIT Lincoln Laboratory
244 Wood Street
Lexington, Massachusetts 02420