MDM Capability Removed after renewal

Valued Contributor II

Noticed this morning we have a machine that logs say MDM Renewal was completed, but since then the machine is no longer MDM Capable.  Any easy solutions?


Valued Contributor II

I have machines like this, the redeploy goes through, but the device never ends up enabled for MDM, no blank pushes or anything.  that section is just missing.

Short of a complete removal of the profiles and re-enrolling, I don't know a solution.


Valued Contributor II

I have a few computers with a similar issue. The computer is still showing as enrolled in Jamf, but, if you look at the computer, all the profiles, including the MDM profile has been removed. I am having to remote in to the computers and reenroll them.

Contributor II

Do you mean that the device was rerolled with the terminal command: profiles renew -type enrollment
or did you delete the device and reinstall it?