Microsoft Edge Policy DiagnosticData

New Contributor III


I would like to hide the window that asks whether to send diagnostic data when opening Microsoft Edge.

After some research, I found the Edge Policy available in Jamf ( I added DiagnosticData and configured it. The profile is applied. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work—the window still opens. The other configured settings are applied.


Edge version : 132


Edge Policy :

CleanShot 2025-01-29 at 18.10.00@2x.png

The Diagnostic window :

Screenshot 2025-01-29 at 17.42.42.png



Contributor III

You need to select the option Off to hide this windowScreenshot 2025-01-30 at 09.25.16.png

New Contributor III

I tried, it doesn't work. I also tested the other options, same result.

New Contributor III

I found an alternative. By accepting the diagnostic data, a new file is created in ~/Library/Application Support/Microsoft Edge/First Run.

With a script that run at each session startup (Guest session in my case), it works, there’s no more window Diagnostic Data.


# Définir le chemin du dossier et du fichier
dossier="/Users/Guest/Library/Application Support/Microsoft Edge"
fichier="$dossier/First Run"

# Créer le dossier "Microsoft Edge" s'il n'existe pas déjà
mkdir -p "$dossier"

# Créer un fichier "First Run" dans ce dossier
touch "$fichier"

# Modifier le propriétaire du dossier et de son contenu
chown -R Guest "$dossier"

# Définir les permissions :
# - Propriétaire : lecture-écriture (rwx pour les dossiers, rw- pour les fichiers)
# - Groupe et Everyone : accès interdit (---)
chmod -R 700 "$dossier"