Posted on 11-22-2010 12:28 AM
So a lot of our users are Running EndNote X3 or X4 with Office 2008 under Snow Leopard. There is a known bug, which for whatever reason has still not been resolved and probably won't ever. Basically whenever you save and then quit Word, you get the Microsoft Error Reporting message. The document you are working on and the endnote library are fine, it's really just a nuisance because it comes up EVERY TIME. If I remove the Cite While You Write bundles in /Office/Startup/Word/ I don’t receive any errors, but my users need it in there. So I'm thinking about just suppressing the Microsoft Error Reporting, but in Office 2008 it doesn't seem to stick. Has anyone had much luck with disabling it? Here are my settings in Casper MCX and what shows up in mcxquery on the client.
![external image link](attachments/33d72801c6654ba9b78e208279595055)
![external image link](attachments/408d35e8f4ee48bd814f9a0134ec8aa1)
Posted on 11-22-2010 01:24 PM
I don't believe you can turn off the Microsoft Error Reporting tool
On 11/22/10 2:28 PM, "GolbigA at" <GolbigA at> wrote:
(MERP). It's actually intercepting the crash before Apple's own error
reporting tool kicks in. You could try disabling MERP by removing it from
/Library/Application Support/Microsoft/MERP*. Doing so could affect future
updates, so be sure to test. Or you could try using Casper's restricted
software feature to prevent it from running.
The two keys you're managing are actually telling MERP not to send some
additional data. They having nothing to do with whether or not MERP runs
or doesn't run.
William Smith
Technical Analyst
Merrill Communications LLC
(651) 632-1492
Posted on 11-22-2010 01:38 PM
Thanks, I was hoping those MCX settings . Normally I wouldn't want to
completely remove MERP, but I have no other choice. EndNote completely
kills Word on quitting and everyone is complaining about it lately. I
tried just disabling MERP from the MERP Prefs, but that just caused Word
to crash differently (I'm sure the same will happen if I delete or
restrict it). I love how they come out with a new version pretty much
twice a year (EndNote), yet they can never fix any of their issues. Even
with Office 2011, it won't be compatible with it for at least 6-8 months,
and I'm sure it will carry over these errors.
Posted on 11-22-2010 01:59 PM
Restricting the software works, sort of. It doesn’t catch it fast enough,
so there is still a pop up that something is wrong. Deleting it just
causes word to crash. Oh well.