Posted on
08:19 AM
- last edited
3 weeks ago
Okay. So I'm building a new Casper box on Windows. No more Mac server. I've got all the packages copied over except for my Adobe CC packages. For the life of me, I can't get those files to copy over. After about 200MB it bombs out with the error: "The Finder can't complete the operation because some data in XXX can't be read or written. (Error code -36)" I've tried Googling, Binging,and Yahooing...but my Search-Fu is apparently lacking because I can't find ANYTHING that comes even remotely close to the issue I'm having.
I've tried zipping up the PKGs. Nada.
I tried converting them to DMGs. Nada.
The new windows box is virtual so trying to copy the items directly won't happen.
If anyone has any suggestions, I'd love to hear them!
Posted on 06-03-2016 09:32 AM
How are you copying? Straight file copy? Through Casper Admin?
Posted on 06-03-2016 10:03 AM
Not sure what the exact issue is with the packages, but it may be a permissions problem on them. I would try copying them first to a local Mac using Terminal (throw sudo into it to avoid possible permissions issues)
The problem with any copies in the Finder is that, while they preserve a lot, like permissions and ownership, they can run afoul of any copy issues and annoyingly, the whole copy operation will die on you. I've been bitten so many times with issues like that (Finder burping 95% of the way through a large copy and killing the entire copy operation, wasting an hour of my time) that I routinely copy stuff from Terminal now if its anything sizable.
sudo cp /Volumes/CasperShare/Packages/some_package_name.pkg ~/Desktop/
If it works that way, I'd run a quick test on them to make sure they will install, both from manually double clicking and also over command line, like sudo installer -pkg ~/Desktop/some_package_name.pkg -tgt /
That will ensure they came over intact. If all's good, you can then copy them over to your Windows Casper sharepoint, and hopefully not run into problems with that copy.
Posted on 06-04-2016 04:20 PM
Last summer we migrated Casper from Mac to Windows Hyper-V. In our migration we configured the shares then added the share to File Share Distribution Point in Casper Admin. From there we replicated the PKG's. We ran into some issues needing to correct items in Casper Admin. Once done, the data migrated successfully and we disconnected the old share.
I hope this helps.
Posted on 06-07-2016 08:08 AM
I suspect it would be quicker just to re-package them??
Posted on 06-07-2016 08:28 AM
Faster to re-package what may be hundreds of packages vs. copying files? Not likely. I'd simply set up a new file share for the new repository, and then add it to Casper Admin and sync the repository. Take anything that fails, designate the new share as primary in the JSS, and drag the packages that gave you trouble into Casper Admin to re-upload.
Posted on 06-07-2016 04:09 PM
I would definitely agree with @Taylor.Armstrong !!
Posted on 06-08-2016 05:16 AM
Posted: Yesterday at 10:28 by Taylor.Armstrong
Faster to re-package what may be hundreds of packages vs. copying files...
UMMMM, He was only talking about Adobe CC!!
Maybe in future, read the original message and stop being so negative?? Maybe>>>
Posted on 06-08-2016 05:18 AM
Posted on 06-08-2016 05:32 AM
Just curious, since I don't see any mention of the JSS version. Was the packages and scripts were "migrated" before trying to move to the new server, if so all the packages would be flat, or ZIP'd. If not, have you tried this first?
Migrating Packages and Scripts
Posted on 06-08-2016 05:42 AM
Thank you @kerouak for calling me out.
You are correct, I should have paid closer attention to his original post.
Posted on 06-08-2016 07:08 AM
My apologies @kerouak - since you just said "them" my mind read that as "all the packages", not just the CC ones. Note that the OP has never jumped back into the conversation, nor ever even answered my 1st question as to how he was trying to copy the files. Until we know that, we're all just guessing at solutions. The error code makes it sound like he's copying the files via the Finder, instead of through synching a new distribution point.
Posted on 06-08-2016 08:51 AM
He specifically mentions a Finder error in his post. From the OP:
error: "The Finder can't complete the operation because some data in XXX can't be read or written. (Error code -36)"
So yes, he is copying them thru the Finder. Generally not a good way to do it, since the Finder runs into permissions problems more often than it probably should. Syncing the DPs or using Terminal commands to sync/copy are going to be loads more reliable, and is also likely best practice from JAMF themselves on this.
Posted on 06-08-2016 09:46 AM
I take it you didnt read it either??
Posted on 06-08-2016 10:57 AM
Hey, I just gut reacted and apologies to you both...
I like the "chilled out" nature of JamfNation and no offence to you...
Be good and G'Luck guys!