Posted on 03-03-2009 06:08 AM
How can I automate this so it requires no user interaction?
Posted on 03-03-2009 07:49 AM
If it was that easy, wouldn't the update be installed via Apple SUS?
I am actually having a hard time finding a MacBook that requires this
update. The couple I've tried so far don't meet the requirements.
Posted on 03-03-2009 07:55 AM
2009/3/3 Chad Brewer <chad.brewer at>
If it was that easy, wouldn't the update be installed via Apple SUS?
Maybe, and my initial gut reaction to the question was "it's a firmware
update therefore it can't be automated". After reading the kb article and
seeing no mention of hardware interaction, I think it's worth a try. It's
certainly possible it may not work.
Miles Leacy <miles.leacy at> on March 3, 2009 at 6:18 AM -0800 wrote:
Posted on 03-03-2009 08:04 AM
I just installed it with a local account and it never asked for any user interaction other than authentication. It does require OS X 10.5.6 so you may be able to package it up with a forced reboot and it may in fact work.
--missing content--
Put the BatteryUpdate1.4.pkg into your JSS.
Via policy or remote, install the package. As part of the same policy/remote action, force a reboot.
I think this might work because the kb says, essentially, that you install the pkg, then on the next reboot, your battery gets updated.
In general, you can't automate firmware updates because they require physically interacting with the hardware. Based on my read of this kb article, there's no physical button to press, so this one is at least worth testing.
Miles A. Leacy IV
Certified System Administrator
Certified Trainer
Certified Casper Administrator
voice: 1-347-277-7321
miles.leacy at
2009/3/3 Thomas Larkin <
tlarki at
How can I automate this so it requires no user interaction?
Thomas Larkin
TIS Department
tlarki at
blackberry: 913-449-7589
office: 913-627-0351
Posted on 03-04-2009 06:06 PM
While it does install just fine and can be deployed by Casper it does not actually change the firmware version of the battery. I did a before and after comparison of:
system_profile SPPowerDataType | grep Firmware
both times it reported back version 0110. So, I am not sure how well this battery update even works. Apple knows about it and they are looking into it.
I had a script written that would check the batteries firmware version and if it was the version that needed updating it would trigger a custom trigger Casper policy to install the battery update and then reboot the machine. However, since the firmware version is not being updated this won't help my policy run as smoothly as I hoped.
So holding off just yet to see where the update goes.
--missing content--
Put the BatteryUpdate1.4.pkg into your JSS.
Via policy or remote, install the package. As part of the same policy/remote action, force a reboot.
I think this might work because the kb says, essentially, that you install the pkg, then on the next reboot, your battery gets updated.
In general, you can't automate firmware updates because they require physically interacting with the hardware. Based on my read of this kb article, there's no physical button to press, so this one is at least worth testing.
Miles A. Leacy IV
Certified System Administrator
Certified Trainer
Certified Casper Administrator
voice: 1-347-277-7321
miles.leacy at
2009/3/3 Thomas Larkin <
tlarki at
How can I automate this so it requires no user interaction?
Thomas Larkin
TIS Department
tlarki at
blackberry: 913-449-7589
office: 913-627-0351