Posted on
08:46 AM
- last edited
3 weeks ago
Hi Team,
We are trying to package the MindManager software but when user is trying to install the package it prompts for the license key. We would like this go as a silent install.
Would like to know if there is a way we can avoid the License prompt window.
Thank you,
+1 813-617-2521
Posted on 04-03-2018 02:17 AM
you should check the licencing procedure first. In some cases it can be a licence violation to have the licence key within the software package.
You can build a package with a snapshot. I recommend doing this on a blank machine. This also should capture the file the licence information is stored in.
You can ask the developer for a volume licence without a key or with a general key.
Best Regards
Posted on 04-05-2018 10:22 AM
We are doing the same way as suggested...
After taking snapshot and installing the package in another machine it is not recoganising the license and again prompting for License key. The License file is changing for each device.
How can we package in these scenario where license file is random for devices.
Posted on 07-31-2018 01:34 PM
Hi Paul,
Did you have any luck with Composer and your volume license of MindManager?
I ended up having to manually create the plist with our volume license key for it to work and package it that way in composer.
Posted on 08-01-2018 12:54 AM
Hi Paul,
we are using this script to set the license key, suppress EULA at first start disable auto-updates and open a new blank document.
It will create com.mindmanager.plist in ~/Library/Preferences and ~/Library/Preferences/ByHost
End users will not be bothered accepting EULA and/or set the license manually.
Best Regards, Philipp
# -- Set License and accept EULA
# Version: 1.0
# - Philipp Reinheimer, 14.04.18
currentuser=$(/bin/ls -la /dev/console | /usr/bin/cut -d ' ' -f 4)
#---LicenseKey and Settings---#
su -l $currentuser -c "defaults -currentHost write com.mindjet.mindmanager.11 LicenseKey 'APxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx'"
su -l $currentuser -c "defaults -currentHost write com.mindjet.mindmanager.11 ShowEULA -int 0"
su -l $currentuser -c "defaults -currentHost write com.mindjet.mindmanager.11 Edition -int 0"
su -l $currentuser -c "defaults write /Users/$currentuser/Library/Preferences/com.mindjet.mindmanager.11 DeviceAutoUpdateDisabled -bool false"
su -l $currentuser -c "defaults write /Users/$currentuser/Library/Preferences/com.mindjet.mindmanager.11 FirstLaunch -bool false"
su -l $currentuser -c "defaults write /Users/$currentuser/Library/Preferences/com.mindjet.mindmanager.11 StartupDialogPolicy -int 3"
su -l $currentuser -c "defaults write /Users/$currentuser/Library/Preferences/com.mindjet.mindmanager.11 NewDocumentOnStart -int 1"
echo $currentuser
exit 0
Posted on 09-21-2021 05:04 AM
Hey has anyone found a way to install/add the licence key for 13.2 since they now ask for both account and licence key for first time install.
Would be nice to let the user skip having to type in the licence key and only spend time creating the acocunt
Posted on 07-08-2024 02:02 AM
Yes. I called the MindManager support last week on this and was told that starting with version 13/22 you can use a mobileconfig profile to provide license information and basic configuration. If your company has an Enterprise license they may request all necessary information from the MindManager support either via mail or better call them. A few hours after my call I got an email with a license cert, a license key for the current version 23 as this was the one I requested, and download links to the deployment guide and the necessary offline installer. The deployment guide provides you with an example mobileconfig which you adopt to your needs and deploy via jamf. Be aware if your company has both a lincese for the full MindManager and the Reader only you need to make sure that the right user has the right license.
If you're only interested in licensing there's a special open command for this which is also part of the deployment guide.
Posted on 01-30-2024 06:40 AM
DO we have any option to enable the SSO using the kerberos jamf auto login with mindmanager application ?