
New Contributor


I just received the email today about this event and it is full i would love to attend but its full

is there any way i can get in ?


Legendary Contributor III

Paging @thoule for you.

I'll say out loud here that, although the event registration is full, its very rare that everyone who registered actually shows up, so its possible there may be an opening that day. Still, its up to the organizers to see if they can let you attend. I know the conference rooms at Broad Institute are large, but do have a limited amount of capacity, so it may come down to not overcrowding the room.

Valued Contributor II

The room is maxed out now. Leon is trying to get a bigger room - not sure if we can or not.

EDIT: our max count included an assumption some people might not show up. I do not recommend attending if you haven't registered.

Legendary Contributor III

Ah, thanks for the clarification @thoule Good idea, setting max count on that assumption.

Valued Contributor II

OK- Leon came through and we have a large room. Feel free to register. Thanks for the heads up on it being full! -t-