Posted on 11-04-2013 12:16 PM
We use Mobile accounts with a lot of our laptop users. We have always strictly done this via OD using OS X Servers. We have sometimes also managed what files we sync at the OS X Server side. For example we might want to sync the Documents, Desktop and Library folders but not Pictures etc. We are looking at setting up a number of laptops for the first time in a purely AD Server setup. You can specify to to create the Mobile account in the AD plug in but after that it would seem you don't have anyway to manage those sync setting. It looks as though the user themselves get to decide what gets synced. Is there away to do this via a management profile ?
Posted on 11-04-2013 12:35 PM
I can sort of see how this can be done with Managed Preferences in Casper by bringing in the We are still using Casper 8.74, but I understand these managed preference settings either don't migrate to 9.x or are difficult do. It would be better to be able to do this via a Configuration Profile if I could. If I can do via managed preferences and still have it work in 9.x I guess I would just have to figure out the settings for the syncedFolders-raw key.
Posted on 11-04-2013 02:00 PM
Hi rcorbin! I would not recommend using Managed Preferences in Casper if your machines are running 10.7 or later, you should use Configuration Profiles instead. According to JAMF tech support Configuration Profile will migrate to 9.x without any issue. I have been using Configuration Profiles for over a year now without problems.
To access Configuration Profile...
Login to your Casper server and click Management; Configuration Profiles is the 3rd one down.
Click on Add Profile to create a profile, then select Mobility to configure specifically which folders or files you want ignored during sync.
This is where you can configure your sync intervals and a bunch of other things.
Posted on 11-04-2013 02:43 PM
Hi Effiong, When I go to add profiles I don't see anything about Mobility in the list of options. I don't see Mobility located inside any of the listed options either.
Posted on 11-04-2013 02:49 PM
Ah I found it. Had to change it to "User Level" instead of "Computer Level". I'll give this a try now.
Posted on 11-04-2013 03:21 PM
Seems to work fine now that I figured out that it was in the "User Level" instead of "Computer Level". Thanks Effiong for at least pointing me down the correct road.
Posted on 11-05-2013 11:26 AM
Sure no problem. I am glad you found the information useful.
Posted on 11-07-2013 09:40 AM
Was working, but not not. The profile gets pushed out to the machine, but on the client it says that no folders are set to sync.
I've specified to sync the ~/Documents under the Mobility -> Rules -> Home Sync section.
There isn't really an error message, but if I go to Sync the client it just says that no folders have been selected to sync.
Just tried taking out the ~/ thinking maybe that wasn't needed. Still didn't work. Put the ~/ back.
I also specified that the sync should be manual, but in the mobile account settings log in and log out are selected. I do he the profiles as being listed in the profile preference pane.