Monitor Login/Usage Frequency Using Casper

New Contributor

I am looking for a way to monitor how ofter users login to a Group of machines. I would like to know if there is a method to query said group and monitor when and how ofter users are logging into the machines. I know that I can view individual machines and view the Computer Usage Log, but those logs seem to only go back so many days.


Contributor II

Hi @lombardimj,

I had a similar request of me at my last job. I ended up having a script execute with an ongoing login policy.

I don't have access to the script any more but, here is a break down of what it did.

  • Mount (your desired) network share
  • Write to a txt file, the following information
    • Computer Name
    • Username
    • Date (this will return full date and time)
    • Any other info you may want

You may need to use carriage breaks to organise all of the data and put in commas "," to seperate the fields.

You can then put this data into a excel spreadsheet to create pretty graphs of how little these computers get used.

You could also have a logout policy with a similar script and then you can see how long they were logged on for. Just be aware that obviously the script won't execute if there is a hard shutdown and there for you will have a:
Joe Bloggs logged on
Joe Bloggs logged off
Joe Bloggs logged on
Joe Bloggs logged on

Joe Bloggs logged off

Let me know if you need a hand with the script.
