Multiple dealine option in SUPERMAN script and upadtes failed

New Contributor III

Hello All,


I deployed the SUPERMAN, when I ran this policy on mac, multiple dealine options are not coming, I am getting only Restart and Defer option on display message. If I click in Restart it is telling that software updates/upgrade failed and this time mac can not be restarted.


Please help me on this. 


New Contributor II

@Asifahmed Please check the logs. It is very detailed and it will show you what the issue it. I had a similar issue and saw that the API account that I was using was falling on the M1 and M2 computers so I exclude them. It was because of the Mass action failing. The logs told me.

You can find the logs in - /Library/Management/super/super.log 


or run this in terminal:

open /Library/Management/super/super.log

More info there - Troubleshooting · Macjutsu/super Wiki (


Multiple deadline options came now after checking the config profile, there was a mistake.

Now my question is why software update is getting failed again and again, I am getting option Restart and Defer, what I think Restart button should replaced by Update button. If I click on Restart button then after sometime I am getting a message at the bottom below of my mac's screen saying software update failed and mac can not be restarted now. Any idea for this fix?

@Asifahmed  Please check the logs for this issue. It will give you an idea of what is causing it to fail. On the computer that is failing - run this in terminal:

open /Library/Management/super/super.log

Looking through the logs you will see error or fail. 

It could be battery below the recommended percentage (default is 50%), low storage, Api account error, a process stopping the restart. Apple push error or something else.

The logs will give you an idea of the issue. 

You also can ask the question with part of the logs on the slack channel or the Github.


For the restart button, I think you can edit the script to say Update.

- check Line 6303 of the script or search "restart button" within the script.

I just keep it as restart because the computer will restart.