MySQL is Stopping and causing the JSS stop working

Contributor III

This just happens anytime. The JSS stops working with an error message. Then we have to restart the OSX server and then restart the MYSQL. This can happen anytime we couldn't find any particular trigger causing this problem. However, bulky operations sometimes have caused this to happen like Update Inventory for all devices at the same time etc but not always.



@khurram Whats the error message you're getting when the JSS stops? Are you on 10.10?Why would you need to restart the server when you can just start and stop mySQL with (start)sudo launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.mysql.server.plist (stop) remove load and add unload .

Little more background like what version of JSS,mySQL, OS..

Contributor III

JSS 10.9

Error Message as follows.


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Contributor III

@khurram Couple of questions:
1. What is running on the OS X server apart from MySQL - JSS, File-shares etc?
2. What is the Energy Saver settings - put hard disks to sleep etc?
3. What hardware is the server using - RAM, CPU, Mac Mini etc?
4. What version of JSS is running - 9.72?

I am in Australia if you need a phone call.

Contributor III

Its working fine at the moment. What happens is that MySQL show "Stop" icon (its a utility for starting and stopping SQL server) and when you start the MySQL by pressing "Start" button it shows you as Started but at the backend it is still Stopped. It just stops by itself. We take automatic backups (scripts) every midnight and this is enough for us but when it happens midnight then we have to and run the JSSDatabaseBackup utility. Next time I will also try the mysqld start and would post the output here.

Contributor III

@dmw3 Your offer is highly appreciated. I would call you soon.

Valued Contributor III

Sounds like the tomcat/sql service is not working properly. We used to have to restart tomcat or mysql at least once a week. After working with Jamf Support, we adjusted the memory settings for tomcat and the connections to mysql and did some scaling adjustments which seems to address the issue nicely.

Just to confirm, if you use the JSS database utility and restart tomcat does it do anything? Then if you do the same for mysql does it resolve it?

Gabe Shackney
Princeton Public Schools

Princeton Public Schools