Posted on 11-11-2011 08:00 AM
Lovely to meet the JAMF Nation at the 2011 National User Conference! Any event-related "feature requests" or "bug fixes" for next year?
Solved! Go to Solution.
Posted on 11-11-2011 11:08 AM
It would be nice to have a mini schedule on the back of our name tags for quick reference.
Posted on 11-11-2011 12:58 PM
OK, a real NUC feature request: Make all of the slides from all of the presentations available for download.
Posted on 11-11-2011 03:25 PM
Great job on the new format this year!
This may sound silly but I felt the end of the conference was a bit anticlimactic. We needed some sort of lowering of the JAMF NUC flag or snuffing of the JAMF NUC cauldron. Something to close out the conference.
More thoughts:
Posted on 11-11-2011 03:33 PM
I would like to mention the lack of Bacon at the Bacon social.
I like the idea of having a closing lunch as well.
All and All I had a blast and came back overflowing with new Ideas and new contacts within the Community.
Posted on 11-11-2011 07:15 PM
"Arrange the schedule so that the NUC ends with a long large lunch when folks can chat, say goodbye and prepare for returning home."
I really like this, and it could be used to solve the point of the NUC not having a closing session of some sort. We all get to have one last meal before departing and Chip (or whoever) can grab a PA system to wrap up the NUC neatly.
"The CCA badge is a great idea but does that mean I'll lose my handsome baby picture?"
Nope, you'll get the best of both worlds!
Posted on 11-11-2011 07:20 PM
To me, I'd have spaced a bit of the day three content out to day one. I found the topics a bit light for day one and there was some really great stuff for day three that I missed due to schedule conflicts.
And tell the Guthrie that SeaChange needs to carry Goldschlager.
Posted on 11-11-2011 09:31 PM
If I get a chance to go again I would almost prefer to run a couple of lab sessions for bash/python scripting to give people more of a hands on crash course rather than just a presentation.
Though no way I can tell where I will be next year.
Posted on 11-11-2011 10:15 PM
"Though no way I can tell where I will be next year."
Sure there is - Minneapolis. :)
Posted on 11-12-2011 04:41 PM
I thought the flow and organization of the NUC went well, I do like the idea of a closing lunch or something to formally bring the event to and end.
Posted on 11-12-2011 05:55 PM
I would really like the company that attendees work for listed below their name. It makes it easier to find people that may be in a similar industry. A closing ceremony would be great as well. I would appreciate having somebody record the sessions. Oh and could I get the CCA tag added to my profiles as well. Thanks JAMF for a great conference.
Posted on 11-12-2011 06:51 PM
In response to jhbush1973 I know in some cases people could not say what company they were from. Perhaps they could offer that with an opt out ability at registration.
Posted on 11-14-2011 05:29 AM
In response to jhbush1973 I know in some cases people could not say what company they were from. Perhaps they could offer that with an opt out ability at registration.
Myself from an OPSEC perspective, I'd rather see no Org names. However, I see why people would want them and would like to see it as an opt-in. If it's only an opt-out, we all in sensitive positions stick out like sore thumbs.
Posted on 11-14-2011 10:34 AM
I like the opt-in idea. Keeps people without company name listed from easily being singled out.
Posted on 11-14-2011 11:31 AM
What a great event. The 1st one in 2010 was good but this was head and shoulders better. Kudos to the JAMF folks!!
1) Like the idea of opt-in company name (city, state, country a bonus)
2) I'd like to see a survey right before the event where you select the topics you plan to attend. Give the event folks a chance to make sure the rooms are large enough (or offer it more than once).
3) Birds of a Feather is a great idea and way to share information. Not sure how each location went but we didn't find anywhere to sit with other JAMF attendees. Maybe next year in restaurants with reserved banquet rooms or have a longer lunch one day and do it during the conference.
But all in all a great event. Superb speakers and topics. Can't wait for the 2012 event!
Posted on 11-14-2011 06:59 PM
This was a great conference. Great work, JAMF!
A couple suggestions which echo those above:
1) Videotape sessions & put them online. And/or put the slides online.
2) Get attendees to sign up for sessions a few days before the conference so that the more popular sessions can perhaps be moved into bigger rooms.
Posted on 11-15-2011 08:19 AM
I'd put my vote in for a longer conference with with sessions that are designed to dovetail - something along the lines of JSS Fundamentals, Mac and mobile fundamentals, and then maybe something along the lines of 'CJA light'.
Fundamentals- Imaging, Packaging, Policy/Scoping, Scripting in the JSS
Hands on Labs- Implementation of the fundamentals
Real World (Stump the Chumps, Specific Solutions: How JAMF customer X handled problem Y, JAMF Advanced Solutions Series)
CJA Light - CJA Like BootCamp or something similar for folks who are just getting started or want to brush up
Longer sessions, with multiple instances running (ex. Zen and the Art of packaging running each day at 9a, to ensure that everyone can fit it into their schedule) to ensure that folks can attend would help reduce the cost of choosing a session on Day 1 if there are other sessions that only run on day 1.
I'd like to have the opportunity to see a few topics through from start to finish - and others I just wanted to drop in on.
If the JAMF customer testimonial sessions were reduced in length and constantly running in a particular room or rooms - that would help split the conference between teaching concepts, hands on training, and the real world scenarios.
Posted on 11-15-2011 11:57 AM
Great conference, just needed some bigger rooms for some of the sessions.
Posted on 11-15-2011 02:10 PM
More awesome community driven sessions! Some of the best sessions, both the ideas for them and the content, came from the community. If you have ideas for sessions for next year and would like to volunteer to present make sure to let us know!
Posted on 11-15-2011 07:17 PM
We need a JAMFs vs Community kickball game or some such silliness.
Posted on 11-15-2011 08:29 PM
We need a JAMFs vs Community kickball game or some such silliness.
Posted on 11-16-2011 06:53 AM
Sure that too! That Gold Medal Park next door seemed prime :)
Posted on 11-16-2011 08:45 AM
Don't they curl up north? We could get a game of curl going, not that I have a single clue how any of that stuff even works or the rules.
Posted on 11-16-2011 09:03 AM
Dodgeball Sure that too! That Gold Medal Park next door seemed prime :)
Posted on 11-16-2011 09:41 AM
You, sir, are talking some sense.
Nothing like talking shop while trading rounds down range!
Posted on 11-16-2011 09:56 AM
Well, I would feel sorry for the "Casper Imaging" guy if we had a paintball outing. He would get shot to pieces!
Posted on 11-16-2011 10:01 AM
Posted on 11-16-2011 01:18 PM
PaintBall +1!
However, the idea of curling sounds REALLY cool... The St. Paul curling club just across the river is where the US olympic team trains. Not far from the Guthrie!
I really enjoyed all of the user-created content sessions. There was a great mix of JAMF announcement-type sessions and user-run sessions where we all got to see what other Casper Admins are up to. Great conference. We've got a great group here and it was great to hear all of the sessions! I'd love to have them recorded and made available later for the ones we weren't able to get to.
Posted on 11-17-2011 09:19 AM
iOS app like Apple's WWDC app, closing session (feedback forum?), a bit better scheduling to try to avoid conflicts (way too many sessions I would like to have gone to that conflicted with 1-2), recording/slides on line, et. al.
Posted on 11-17-2011 11:59 AM
Someone also mentioned more Sys Admin stuff. WWDC I guess got rid of the System Admin section. So perhaps next year there could be some presentations and maybe some lab work on being a System Administrator with Casper.
Posted on 11-17-2011 03:06 PM
I imagine I won't get a fancy CCA badge since I'm technically expired? Perhaps I can get an honorary JAMF badge instead. ;)
As for feedback about the conference:
1) If you haven't planned on doing a formal follow-up survey so you can more easily tabulate data, you should. We've done it for our conference and its a very valuable resource for planning.
2) The Guthrie, although beautiful was not totally ideal for this conference, look at a conference hotel better suited. I like planning these things so if Crystal needs any help she's welcome to ping me. Let's hear it for Crystal!!
3) I had several pieces of bacon, but I think it was because I was sitting at a table where they were being set down by the servers. I also have the privilege of eating the very last piece, and there is a picture somewhere to prove it. I'm sorry if you did not get bacon. I enjoyed the event at the Triple Rock!
4) The sessions were good, if you could get into them. I'm glad they were so popular. Did Apple not want to have a more visible presence at the conference? I know they had people there, but I figured they might actually want to participate and present something, perhaps along the OS X Lion Server lines the system admin people were talking about.
5) I agree with trying to record the sessions and making presentations available.
I'm sure I'll have more to add later, but this was what I had on my mind. JAMF did a bang up job, and I'm looking forward to next year!!!
Posted on 11-17-2011 03:16 PM
3) I had several pieces of bacon, but I think it was because I was sitting at a table where they were being set down by the servers. I also have the privilege of eating the very last piece, and there is a picture somewhere to prove it. I'm sorry if you did not get bacon. I enjoyed the event at the Triple Rock!!/meck/status/134437612348907521
Posted on 11-21-2011 09:37 AM
The conference was great - I really enjoyed it! This was my first exposure to JAMF, since we actually just purchased the Casper Suite a couple weeks prior to attending the conference. It was great to get a feel for the company and its people as well as other users of JAMF products. I was really impressed with the conference and the content of the sessions. Here are some thoughts and feedback:
The Guthrie is a wonderful location -- even though it's not the perfect fit for a conference, I'd MUCH rather deal with the quirks of a beautiful theater space (only 2 elevators, really?!) than attend a conference in a dull (but admittedly more functional) hotel/conference center. Staying at the Aloft hotel was great too.
The birds-of-a-feather meetups (or at least the one I attended) were a disappointment. The topics sounded worthwhile and I headed to a venue expecting that JAMF would have reserved a room for mingling and chatting and perhaps a guided discussion on the designated topic (Lion Deployment, in the case of the one I made it to). Instead I found a packed, loud pub (and venue staff that didn't seem to know about the JAMF event), with a few vaguely familiar faces scattered throughout the crowd, and no possible way of carrying on a productive conversation. So there's room for improvement there!
Organizers did a great job seeing to it that folks like me with dietary limitations were taken care of at lunchtime. Thanks very much for that!
I like the idea someone above had for a mini-schedule on the back of the badges. That and/or a simple iOS app (or at least a webpage with a mobile-optimized map and schedule of sessions) would be really handy.
The format of the sessions was cool -- real world application of the JAMF tools, presented by real customers of JAMF. Unfortunately it wasn't clear up front that this was how it was going to work... Add to that the fact that in almost every session presenter introductions and "who I am, where I'm from" slides were nearly nonexistent. It was a little frustrating (for a newcomer to the JAMF world, as I am) trying to figure out who was who and where the information was coming from! So I'd ask for a bit more focus on clear and concise introductions, with names, titles, companies, etc at the front and end of each session -- that would be nifty.
I hope some of that is helpful to y'all. And here's hoping that I can attend again next year!
Posted on 11-11-2011 11:08 AM
It would be nice to have a mini schedule on the back of our name tags for quick reference.
Posted on 11-11-2011 12:27 PM
Tad, how do I add the CCA icon to my profile? I don't see a way to do that anywhere in the My Account interface…
Posted on 11-11-2011 12:31 PM
Kevin, we just added it for you. We are in the process of going through the community and handing out the appropriate badges.
Posted on 11-11-2011 12:42 PM
Posted on 11-11-2011 12:58 PM
OK, a real NUC feature request: Make all of the slides from all of the presentations available for download.
Posted on 11-11-2011 03:25 PM
Great job on the new format this year!
This may sound silly but I felt the end of the conference was a bit anticlimactic. We needed some sort of lowering of the JAMF NUC flag or snuffing of the JAMF NUC cauldron. Something to close out the conference.
More thoughts:
Posted on 11-11-2011 03:33 PM
I would like to mention the lack of Bacon at the Bacon social.
I like the idea of having a closing lunch as well.
All and All I had a blast and came back overflowing with new Ideas and new contacts within the Community.
Posted on 11-11-2011 04:54 PM
The CCA badge is a great idea but does that mean I'll lose my handsome baby picture?
Posted on 11-11-2011 07:15 PM
"Arrange the schedule so that the NUC ends with a long large lunch when folks can chat, say goodbye and prepare for returning home."
I really like this, and it could be used to solve the point of the NUC not having a closing session of some sort. We all get to have one last meal before departing and Chip (or whoever) can grab a PA system to wrap up the NUC neatly.
"The CCA badge is a great idea but does that mean I'll lose my handsome baby picture?"
Nope, you'll get the best of both worlds!
Posted on 11-11-2011 07:20 PM
To me, I'd have spaced a bit of the day three content out to day one. I found the topics a bit light for day one and there was some really great stuff for day three that I missed due to schedule conflicts.
And tell the Guthrie that SeaChange needs to carry Goldschlager.
Posted on 11-11-2011 09:31 PM
If I get a chance to go again I would almost prefer to run a couple of lab sessions for bash/python scripting to give people more of a hands on crash course rather than just a presentation.
Though no way I can tell where I will be next year.
Posted on 11-11-2011 10:15 PM
"Though no way I can tell where I will be next year."
Sure there is - Minneapolis. :)
Posted on 11-12-2011 04:41 PM
I thought the flow and organization of the NUC went well, I do like the idea of a closing lunch or something to formally bring the event to and end.
Posted on 11-12-2011 05:55 PM
I would really like the company that attendees work for listed below their name. It makes it easier to find people that may be in a similar industry. A closing ceremony would be great as well. I would appreciate having somebody record the sessions. Oh and could I get the CCA tag added to my profiles as well. Thanks JAMF for a great conference.
Posted on 11-12-2011 06:51 PM
In response to jhbush1973 I know in some cases people could not say what company they were from. Perhaps they could offer that with an opt out ability at registration.
Posted on 11-14-2011 05:29 AM
In response to jhbush1973 I know in some cases people could not say what company they were from. Perhaps they could offer that with an opt out ability at registration.
Myself from an OPSEC perspective, I'd rather see no Org names. However, I see why people would want them and would like to see it as an opt-in. If it's only an opt-out, we all in sensitive positions stick out like sore thumbs.
Posted on 11-14-2011 10:34 AM
I like the opt-in idea. Keeps people without company name listed from easily being singled out.
Posted on 11-14-2011 11:31 AM
What a great event. The 1st one in 2010 was good but this was head and shoulders better. Kudos to the JAMF folks!!
1) Like the idea of opt-in company name (city, state, country a bonus)
2) I'd like to see a survey right before the event where you select the topics you plan to attend. Give the event folks a chance to make sure the rooms are large enough (or offer it more than once).
3) Birds of a Feather is a great idea and way to share information. Not sure how each location went but we didn't find anywhere to sit with other JAMF attendees. Maybe next year in restaurants with reserved banquet rooms or have a longer lunch one day and do it during the conference.
But all in all a great event. Superb speakers and topics. Can't wait for the 2012 event!
Posted on 11-14-2011 06:59 PM
This was a great conference. Great work, JAMF!
A couple suggestions which echo those above:
1) Videotape sessions & put them online. And/or put the slides online.
2) Get attendees to sign up for sessions a few days before the conference so that the more popular sessions can perhaps be moved into bigger rooms.
Posted on 11-15-2011 08:19 AM
I'd put my vote in for a longer conference with with sessions that are designed to dovetail - something along the lines of JSS Fundamentals, Mac and mobile fundamentals, and then maybe something along the lines of 'CJA light'.
Fundamentals- Imaging, Packaging, Policy/Scoping, Scripting in the JSS
Hands on Labs- Implementation of the fundamentals
Real World (Stump the Chumps, Specific Solutions: How JAMF customer X handled problem Y, JAMF Advanced Solutions Series)
CJA Light - CJA Like BootCamp or something similar for folks who are just getting started or want to brush up
Longer sessions, with multiple instances running (ex. Zen and the Art of packaging running each day at 9a, to ensure that everyone can fit it into their schedule) to ensure that folks can attend would help reduce the cost of choosing a session on Day 1 if there are other sessions that only run on day 1.
I'd like to have the opportunity to see a few topics through from start to finish - and others I just wanted to drop in on.
If the JAMF customer testimonial sessions were reduced in length and constantly running in a particular room or rooms - that would help split the conference between teaching concepts, hands on training, and the real world scenarios.
Posted on 11-15-2011 11:57 AM
Great conference, just needed some bigger rooms for some of the sessions.
Posted on 11-15-2011 02:10 PM
More awesome community driven sessions! Some of the best sessions, both the ideas for them and the content, came from the community. If you have ideas for sessions for next year and would like to volunteer to present make sure to let us know!
Posted on 11-15-2011 07:17 PM
We need a JAMFs vs Community kickball game or some such silliness.
Posted on 11-15-2011 08:29 PM
We need a JAMFs vs Community kickball game or some such silliness.
Posted on 11-16-2011 06:53 AM
Sure that too! That Gold Medal Park next door seemed prime :)
Posted on 11-16-2011 08:45 AM
Don't they curl up north? We could get a game of curl going, not that I have a single clue how any of that stuff even works or the rules.
Posted on 11-16-2011 09:03 AM
Dodgeball Sure that too! That Gold Medal Park next door seemed prime :)
Posted on 11-16-2011 09:41 AM
You, sir, are talking some sense.
Nothing like talking shop while trading rounds down range!
Posted on 11-16-2011 09:56 AM
Well, I would feel sorry for the "Casper Imaging" guy if we had a paintball outing. He would get shot to pieces!
Posted on 11-16-2011 10:01 AM
"If you can't dodge a wrench, you can't dodge a ball."
Paintball +1
Posted on 11-16-2011 01:18 PM
PaintBall +1!
However, the idea of curling sounds REALLY cool... The St. Paul curling club just across the river is where the US olympic team trains. Not far from the Guthrie!
I really enjoyed all of the user-created content sessions. There was a great mix of JAMF announcement-type sessions and user-run sessions where we all got to see what other Casper Admins are up to. Great conference. We've got a great group here and it was great to hear all of the sessions! I'd love to have them recorded and made available later for the ones we weren't able to get to.
Posted on 11-17-2011 09:19 AM
iOS app like Apple's WWDC app, closing session (feedback forum?), a bit better scheduling to try to avoid conflicts (way too many sessions I would like to have gone to that conflicted with 1-2), recording/slides on line, et. al.
Posted on 11-17-2011 11:59 AM
Someone also mentioned more Sys Admin stuff. WWDC I guess got rid of the System Admin section. So perhaps next year there could be some presentations and maybe some lab work on being a System Administrator with Casper.
Posted on 11-17-2011 03:06 PM
I imagine I won't get a fancy CCA badge since I'm technically expired? Perhaps I can get an honorary JAMF badge instead. ;)
As for feedback about the conference:
1) If you haven't planned on doing a formal follow-up survey so you can more easily tabulate data, you should. We've done it for our conference and its a very valuable resource for planning.
2) The Guthrie, although beautiful was not totally ideal for this conference, look at a conference hotel better suited. I like planning these things so if Crystal needs any help she's welcome to ping me. Let's hear it for Crystal!!
3) I had several pieces of bacon, but I think it was because I was sitting at a table where they were being set down by the servers. I also have the privilege of eating the very last piece, and there is a picture somewhere to prove it. I'm sorry if you did not get bacon. I enjoyed the event at the Triple Rock!
4) The sessions were good, if you could get into them. I'm glad they were so popular. Did Apple not want to have a more visible presence at the conference? I know they had people there, but I figured they might actually want to participate and present something, perhaps along the OS X Lion Server lines the system admin people were talking about.
5) I agree with trying to record the sessions and making presentations available.
I'm sure I'll have more to add later, but this was what I had on my mind. JAMF did a bang up job, and I'm looking forward to next year!!!
Posted on 11-17-2011 03:16 PM
3) I had several pieces of bacon, but I think it was because I was sitting at a table where they were being set down by the servers. I also have the privilege of eating the very last piece, and there is a picture somewhere to prove it. I'm sorry if you did not get bacon. I enjoyed the event at the Triple Rock!!/meck/status/134437612348907521
Posted on 11-21-2011 09:37 AM
The conference was great - I really enjoyed it! This was my first exposure to JAMF, since we actually just purchased the Casper Suite a couple weeks prior to attending the conference. It was great to get a feel for the company and its people as well as other users of JAMF products. I was really impressed with the conference and the content of the sessions. Here are some thoughts and feedback:
The Guthrie is a wonderful location -- even though it's not the perfect fit for a conference, I'd MUCH rather deal with the quirks of a beautiful theater space (only 2 elevators, really?!) than attend a conference in a dull (but admittedly more functional) hotel/conference center. Staying at the Aloft hotel was great too.
The birds-of-a-feather meetups (or at least the one I attended) were a disappointment. The topics sounded worthwhile and I headed to a venue expecting that JAMF would have reserved a room for mingling and chatting and perhaps a guided discussion on the designated topic (Lion Deployment, in the case of the one I made it to). Instead I found a packed, loud pub (and venue staff that didn't seem to know about the JAMF event), with a few vaguely familiar faces scattered throughout the crowd, and no possible way of carrying on a productive conversation. So there's room for improvement there!
Organizers did a great job seeing to it that folks like me with dietary limitations were taken care of at lunchtime. Thanks very much for that!
I like the idea someone above had for a mini-schedule on the back of the badges. That and/or a simple iOS app (or at least a webpage with a mobile-optimized map and schedule of sessions) would be really handy.
The format of the sessions was cool -- real world application of the JAMF tools, presented by real customers of JAMF. Unfortunately it wasn't clear up front that this was how it was going to work... Add to that the fact that in almost every session presenter introductions and "who I am, where I'm from" slides were nearly nonexistent. It was a little frustrating (for a newcomer to the JAMF world, as I am) trying to figure out who was who and where the information was coming from! So I'd ask for a bit more focus on clear and concise introductions, with names, titles, companies, etc at the front and end of each session -- that would be nifty.
I hope some of that is helpful to y'all. And here's hoping that I can attend again next year!
Posted on 11-29-2011 06:39 PM
Many thanks to all of you for the excellent suggestions! Please keep 'em coming. We are taking all of these to heart as we plan future events and next year's National User Conference. Hope to see all of you again soon!
Posted on 12-14-2011 11:41 AM
Fun party, good bacon if you could get it. The Guthrie while a nice venue was not the most conducive to large classes, or the classes need to be pre registered for and switched to the bigger theater spaces.