Posted on 06-30-2014 11:58 AM
We are now using OpenDNS and we need to distribute the Umbrella Roaming Client to all of our Mac clients. We've tried a number of times to compose a package for the installer, but we seem to be running into a few different issues:
Anybody out there have experience distributing this package? Any advice on how to adjust the package so the hostname being reported to the service actually matches the hostname of the computer?
Thank you and Cheers:D
Posted on 06-30-2014 12:09 PM
Unfortunately looks like most of their technical information is behind closed doors on their site. Could you give a little more info on why you cant just use their provided installer? Also, have you reached out to them for mass deployment support?
Looks like this has been out a couple years so surely they have some recommendations on how to enroll client machines in a large scale manner.
Posted on 06-30-2014 12:10 PM
What format is the installer?
I'd really avoid creating composer DMG's for all but the most basic apps.
Posted on 06-30-2014 02:22 PM
Thank you both for the responses. We'll try just the basic PKG file to see what happens. The only thing bad about the basic PKG is that it comes packaged with an uninstaller and we'd rather not have the users access a tool that just disable umbrella.
Posted on 07-08-2014 01:42 PM
Hey folks,
I got in touch with the enterprise support over at OpenDNS, they have an unofficial/unsupported solution that seems to be working so far! Essentially, prior to running the installation package, you have to generate a plist with the proper ID keys embedded prior to running the installation package. So far, so good! I'll update this thread again if I run into any issues. Thank you again for the help and support!
Posted on 09-10-2014 02:08 PM
I would love more info on your workflow. We are having the same issues, and I was told by OpenDNS that they don't integrate with Casper and we had to manually install it on all of our clients or distribute it through Group Policy in AD...
Posted on 03-21-2019 08:11 AM
Has this gone anywhere? I am currently setting up Cisco Umbrella on our Macs and would like a little more information. I created a pkg. removed the uninstall from the pkg, so that clients can not uninstall it. But, has this been working for other JAMF/Casper admins?
Posted on 05-01-2020 07:56 AM
I used the Composer with the snapshot and then just added the preinstall script to the package with the 3 values (APIUserID, APIOrganizationID,APIFingerprint) that needed modifying and postinstall script (to launch application). Create a policy to deploy the package followed by forced restart. The only thing I haven't figured out yet is the "Cisco Umbrella would like to add vpn configuration" prompt. The rest looks like this:
mkdir -p "/Library/Application Support/OpenDNS Roaming Client/"
DATA='<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
echo "$DATA" > "/Library/Application Support/OpenDNS Roaming Client/OrgInfo.plist"
exit 0 ## Success
exit 1 ## Failure
open -a /Applications/OpenDNS Roaming Client/
exit 0 ## Success
exit 1 ## Failure
Posted on 11-24-2021 04:24 AM
The application works completely fine, but when I tested the application by running sudo jamrf policy on terminal
It gave me an error -
!/bin/bash : no such file or directory
Syntax error -near unexpected token 'newline'
Can you help?
Posted on 09-14-2020 12:37 PM
@totalyscrewedup - This preinstall script is great, I have it run right before the package install (within the same policy) and it works like a charm. I don't need to force a restart or run the post install script either since installing the package itself opens up the Menubar app.
Posted on 11-24-2021 04:24 AM
The application works completely fine, but when I tested the application by running sudo jamrf policy on terminal
It gave me an error -
!/bin/bash : no such file or directory
Syntax error -near unexpected token 'newline'
Can you help?