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03:32 PM
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a week ago
Hi Admins,
Is this correct or no? Need a little help please, Thanks in advance.
MAUServer=`defaults read /Users/$USER/Library/Preferences/ UpdateCache`
echo "<result>$MAUServer</result>"
Posted on 09-16-2017 05:12 PM
@Eigger looks good, got expected results on my test system,how do you have $USER variable defined?
Posted on 09-16-2017 06:52 PM
Here is a quick Python ObjC script that can be used to read the value of any plist file
from CoreFoundation import CFPreferencesCopyAppValue
from SystemConfiguration import SCDynamicStoreCopyConsoleUser
from Foundation import NSHomeDirectoryForUser
currentuser, uid, gid = SCDynamicStoreCopyConsoleUser(None, None, None)
user_home_folder = NSHomeDirectoryForUser(currentuser)
plist_file = ''
key = 'UpdateCache'
domain = str('%s' + '/Library/Preferences/' + '%s') % (user_home_folder, plist_file)
value = CFPreferencesCopyAppValue(key, domain)
print '<result>%s</result>' % value
To reuse this just replace the values in plist_file
and the key
you are looking to get. I don't have that setting in my MS Office setup, but I was able to pull other keys out of it.
Posted on 09-17-2017 10:03 AM
A Microsoft AutoUpdate (MAU) caching server address is one of those settings you probably want to enforce. I have plists here for different MAU settings that you can upload to your JSS and push to your Macs as configuration profiles.
Posted on 09-17-2017 09:24 PM
Definitely something you'd want to manage at the Computer Level using a Configuration Profile.
Suite-Wide Preferences | MGMT200
Posted on 09-17-2017 10:08 PM
@LSinNY I use the following to get the $USER
#EA for MAU Caching Server Address
USER=ls -l /dev/console | awk '{print $3}'
String=`defaults read /Users/$USER/Library/Preferences/ UpdateCache -string "$UpdateCache"`
echo "<result>$String</result>"
@talkingmoose Yes Sir, I actually do use a lot of your config profiles over here, you are such a big help to the community, Thank you! I just need an EA for Inventory use and smartgroup.
What I noticed though is before I just use the "Files and Processes" to run the
defaults write UpdateCache -string
and discovered its not working, because its being run as root. So I just scripted it and made sure the script run as the logged in user. I must have misunderstood something from the instructions.