Nested Smart Configs Not Pulling Parent Packages

New Contributor III

Smart configurations are not pulling any parent configuration packages in Casper Imaging (at any smart config level). Both the JSS 'Configurations' web page and Casper Admin show that the parent and child relationships appear to be recognized.

We have a setup similar to this:

Casper 9.25

-Standard Base Config
---Student Laptop Image
---Teacher Laptop Image

Anyone else experiencing this?


Valued Contributor II

I think this was broken in 9.23 and later. Try the Imaging app 9.22. Can't remember if 9.3 fixed this, also worth a try...

Valued Contributor III

9.3 should have fixed it...but yes 9.22 seemed to work. I would recommend 9.3 since it fixed other issues with imaging as well.

Gabe Shackney
Princeton Public Schools

Princeton Public Schools

New Contributor III

I do now see this in the 9.3 release notes:

[D-006316] Fixed an issue that prevented smart configurations two or more levels below a top-level configuration from inheriting settings from the top-level configuration.

This seems to be what I need, but even the smart configs "one" level below the top config aren't inheriting settings. I will likely try upgrading to 9.3, but if anyone else has had similar experiences, please share. Thanks!

New Contributor III

I had the same issue with 9.23. What I found was the smart group one below the parent config would go by alphabetical order. So my setup was this:

-Laptop Base Config

The student smart group wouldn't inherit anything from the Parent Config but the Faculty, because F is before S, would inherit everything. I played around with it even more and found if I switched the Faculty and Student smart groups then both would inherit everything. I tried adding a second smart group called MusicStudent on the same level as the Student smart group, which looked like this:

-Laptop Base Config

When I did this again only the Faculty received inherited settings from the parent, both the MusicStudent and the Student smart groups received nothing. I changed my config so it would go by alphabetical order for nesting and it ended up looking like this:


When I nested my groups like this it worked. All smart groups were able to inherit everything but that was a problem for me because I had software that we loaded at imaging time that would only be on Faculty machines and not students so this wouldn't work for me. Since I couldn't have a two smart groups on the same level, I just waited until Casper fixed it. I've since upgraded to 9.3 and they have fixed this issue in that version. I've been able to use Casper imaging like I was in version 8 only with the nested smart groups which make it a lot easier.

New Contributor III

Does anyone know if the JSS being based on 9.25 and Casper Imaging being 9.3 will be fine? As we have this issue also.

We just migrated from 8.73 and went straight to 9.25 as 9.3 seems to have a lot of bugs around enrolment.