Netboot Issue

Contributor II

I'm having an issue with netbooting to a server on the other side of the world. An IP helper was put in place so another site could get to the netboot server. I don't think the issue is latency, as pings between the netboot server and the site where the system is runs about 25ms. No problems copying files from the site to the server (and back)..

The logs look like this:

Dec 7 15:09:52 hqnvjss01-md bootpd[3993]: BSDP INFORM [en0] 1,20:aa:4b:31:48:da arch=i386 sysid=MacBookAir3,2
Dec 7 15:09:52 hqnvjss01-md bootpd[3993]: NetBoot: [1,20:aa:4b:31:48:da] BSDP ACK[LIST] sent pktsize 305
Dec 7 15:09:52 hqnvjss01-md bootpd[3993]: service time 0.000204 seconds
Dec 7 15:09:53 hqnvjss01-md bootpd[3993]: BSDP INFORM [en0] 1,20:aa:4b:31:48:da arch=i386 sysid=MacBookAir3,2
Dec 7 15:09:54 hqnvjss01-md bootpd[3993]: replyfile
Dec 7 15:09:54 hqnvjss01-md bootpd[3993]: NetBoot: [1,20:aa:4b:31:48:da] BSDP ACK[SELECT] sent pktsize 444
Dec 7 15:09:54 hqnvjss01-md bootpd[3993]: service time 0.899526 seconds
Dec 7 15:11:18 hqnvjss01-md bootpd[3993]: service time 0.000041 seconds

There are a few more lines of service time...and where successful (at my site) Mac NetBoots and all is fine. At the site on the other side of the world, we get more lines of service time and then it loops back to the BSDP INFORM, then replyfile, etc... loops but doesn't boot....

Has anyone run into this issue? Thanks in advance... (The other sites with IP Helpers in place are working just fine...)

...and yes, I've been reviewing Mike Bombich's documentation....


Contributor II

Adding some more info:

Looking at the system.log on my server overseas, I get entries like this:
Date,etc… servername-mm ftfpd[process#]: tftpd: read: Connection refused
Date,etc… servername-mm ftfpd[process#]: replyfile /private/tftpboot/NetBoot/NetBootSP0/netbootimagename.nbi/i386/booter

Since the system we are attempting to netboot is on a different subnet, different city, should I assume that the "tftpd: read: Connection refused" means that the IP helper isn't carrying across tftpd - udp -69

When I run what is below - on one of my local server to the server in the other city - I get the right response.

Bash3.2# tftp
tftp> get NetBoot/NetBootSP0/MtLion108netboot.nbi/i386/booter
Received 993680 bytes in 0.1 seconds

For those with experience with IP helpers, since I get the proper response from my location to the server, am I right feeling that the IP helper isn't set up right where we can't netboot?

Thanks in advance