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11:16 AM
- last edited
Hi Folks,
I have JAMF's NetSUS appliance running in VirtualBox on a MBP. I've created and uploaded a netboot image and am able to boot an iMac successfully. When I try booting an entire lab - about 16 iMac's - they all hang.
I enabled verbose boot mode and get the following error:
process ManagedClient[339] crossed memory high watermark (50MB); sending EXC_Resource.
process 330 (managedClient) exceed physical memory footprint, the InactiveSoftMemoryLimit of 50MB
( <error>: Caller not allowed to perform action: smd.207, action = service removal, code =150: Operating not permitted while system integrity protection is engaged
unexpected session: 100006 uid: 0 requested by: 450
These last two messages just loop as screen in picture.
I'm netbooting by holding option so I didn't think it should effect SIP. Anyone have any ideas? Thanks!
Posted on 06-14-2017 12:37 PM
Hop on one of the machines you're trying to netboot on and boot to recovery. Run terminal from the utilities menu and run the command
csrutil netboot add netbootIP
Then reboot and try to netboot again.
Hope this helps.
If not you can use:
csrutil disable
to turn off SIP and try it that way, but SIP shouldnt stop netbooting.
Posted on 06-15-2017 06:22 AM
Yeah I've thought about disabling SIP but there doesn't seem to be an easy way to disable and re-enable in an automated fashion.
The other odd factor is that I can boot one of them without any issue. The issue only crops up when I try to boot ~5 or more.
Posted on 06-15-2017 07:53 AM
Update: I've done a few more tests to try and figure this out.
Test 1: Netboot 5 iMac's - all booted successfully and fairly quickly
Test 2: Netboot 6 iMac's - 4 booted successfully and two hung with the same message as posted above
Test 3: Disable SIP and netboot 6 iMac's - 4 booted successfully and two hung. The error message was mostly the same just the SIP message was missing.
At this point I'm wondering if it has to do with my network connection as my NetSUS server only has a one 100MB connection.
I also haven't been able to find any more info on this error message:
process 330 (managedClient) exceed physical memory footprint, the InactiveSoftMemoryLimit of 50MB
Posted on 06-15-2017 07:55 AM
I bet you're correct about the connection being the issue. I do everything here over gig switches. You might want to invest in some, you'll notice the difference.