Netboot/SUS invalid certificate - need assistance

New Contributor II

Good afternoon! i recently fired up the NetbootSUS VM from JAMF and everything was looking good until I deployed the new catalog path to my test unit. When I try and run the updates I get an alert that states "An error has occurred. The certificate for this server is invalid. You might be connecting to a server that is pretending to be " which could put your confidential information at risk." The machine shows that I have updates available, but it will not allow me to install.

I am also able to hit without any issue in my web browser.

Has anyone else seen this issue before? I am attempting this update on a 10.8 machine.


Valued Contributor

The cert is invalid on my SUS, and my updates flow just fine. Curious.

How exactly are you running the updates?

New Contributor II

I used a configuration profile to push the SUS server to the clients. In this test, I opened the App store to check for updates. I also ran the sudo softwareupdate -l command and I receive the same error message.

I even tried running my "run software update" self service script I have deployed and it fails as well.

Before deploying the Netboot/SUS server, I was using an internal OS X 10.8 SUS server without issue.

New Contributor II

Just this week I'm setting up a NetSUS to provide apple updates to a lab. I'm getting this exact same certificate error. Did you find a resolution?

New Contributor II

No resolution yet. Off for spring break last week, I will dive back into the issue this week.