NetSuS 3.0.2 help needed with Software update part

New Contributor

So I have a NetSus 3.0.2 setup using VMWare on our server. I want it to talk to the mac mini we use that has 10.10 running Server as a Software Update Server. Currently when I configure machines I use the following command to get them to talk to the server:

sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/ catalogURL

This works fine and machines get update. But since I'm trying to expand our horizons to networks that aren't close to the mac mini, I'm setting the NetSus.

So I logged into the NetSus web console and went to the SUS part. For the Base URL I put:

For the Branch I put in:

Which creates the URL of:

So then I click on Sync manually and it flashes and nothing. If I click on the name, it takes me to another screen, but not packages are showing up there. So I'm not sure what seems to be the issue.

Any suggestions? Ideally I'd like the NetSus (will have 4 of them in total) to check the Mac Mini SUS every night and grab the latest updates.


Valued Contributor

You don't have to put in "10.10-10.9-mountainlion-lion-snowleopard-leopard.merged-1.sucatalog" in branch. You will need branches e.g. if you want to have a "testing" branch and one for production. This means, create a branch called "root" or whatever name you want. The URL will then look like these:


BUT, you will need to point your clients to


I was never able to point my clients only to "http:/", because the integrated apache didn't supersede the URL with the OS specific one. So, setting the URL manual to the OS specific one will work in any case.