Posted on 03-30-2015 06:09 AM
Good Morning,
I upgraded my Netsus Appliance from 3.0.1 to 3.0.2 on Friday. After the upgrade, I uploaded my netboot image to the server and immediately started noticing a major issue. Under 3.0.1 I had a AutoCasperNBI image built under 10.10.1 running Casper Imaging 9.6.1. This ran just find without any issues.
After my upgrade, I tried the same AutoCasperNBI image. It appears to boot just fine, although it appears to take a bit longer. I get the image to launch Casper Imaging and I am able to authenticate. However, when I choose the workflow that I want and start imaging, it attempts to connect to the AFP share for my repository, then fails. This was working just fine under 3.0.1, but is failing under 3.0.2.
My Casper Repository is hosted on a Mac mini running 10.8.5. Any thoughts on this would be appreciated as my older 3.0.1 Netsus image is no longer working.
Posted on 03-30-2015 12:18 PM
What happens when you manually connect to the AFP share in the NetBoot environment?
Posted on 04-08-2015 09:40 AM
I am also having some issues. This is the first time I have used the NetSus appliance but I have taken a working net boot image (Mavericks 10.9.4) and moved it to the 3.0.2 NetSus - it boots fine and I can choose a workflow but then it crashes out or hangs after jumping past parts of the workflow. I have had a similar issue when the share wasn't available. Did you get it resolved yet?
Posted on 04-08-2015 12:42 PM
@joemamasmac How is the NetSUS configured for IP and hostname? Are you using static info or DHCP? If DHCP, does the info in the JSS still match the way your NetSUS VM is configured?