Posted on 03-24-2014 09:20 AM
I'm recreating a Netsus appliance after an unsuccessful upgrade attempt (goring from 2.0 to 3.0). I've recreated the appliance successfully (OVA import into VMWare) and all is working with the appliance on that level. We are using an NFS share on an Isilon as a data source for the NetSUS. So far so good, recreated Fstab settings and I know that the NFS mount works properly, as I see the Catalogs and HTML data when I navigate to the share point in the command line. I can also see all downloaded packages in the NetSUS GUI, so I know I'm fine on the NFS front.
However, I still can not navigate to the catalogues via browser, and get an "address not recognized" type message in the app store after pushing the config profile. I'm trying to get to the catalog via the usual path:
but consistently get a 404 message. I've triple checked the /var/lib/reposado/preferences.plist file and the address in the string in the <key>LocalCatalogURLBase</key> is correct (<string></string>) but still not working.
I'm obviously missing an entry somewhere that'll redirect the browser to the NFS share for the HTML catalogue, instead of to the usual /srv/SUS area.
Does anyone have a clue as to what the setting may be and where to find it?
Posted on 03-24-2014 10:56 AM
I think I may have answered my own question.
In /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default I changed the "DocumentRoot" path to the appropriate path for the NFS share and I am now able to see my Plist settings in the browser.
I'll do some more testing on the update and report back if there is difficulty with this setting.