NetSUS Software update Server question

Contributor III

We have several NetSUS running as distribution points, netboot servers, and as software update servers. Recently we noticed that when we browse the IP address of the NetSUS, it shows the directory listing (the catalog names).

Is there any way to turn off the function that it shows the directory listings without effecting the users ability to get their software updates? Is it a setting in Apache I need to configure to not show the directory listing?

UPDATEL: So was looking at the /etc/apach2/apache_config file and removed all the Index part from it. Restarted server, but it was still showing the directory listings for the SUS folder. So I tried something, I shut down the web service and tried to get into the Netsus console - didn't work (which is good). But then I tried the directory where the SUS was - and it was still working. Does Netsus use a different service to host the SUS catalogs? Is reposado doing the hosting?


New Contributor II

Hi @roiegat, did you find a solution to this? I'm also trying to turn off the directory listing in NetSUS/Reposado

Valued Contributor

I just checked my Reposado server, seems its the NetSUS implementaion, I'd start there