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04:16 AM
- last edited
3 weeks ago
It happened 2 weeks ago that my NetSUS server can't working well with 10.15.5 updates. To be exact, updates after 2020-05-20 (see attached) can't be loaded on client laptops.
I tried to paste brand url on browser, but it only shows updates till 2020-05-14. (see attached)
I did several tests trying to figure out the issue, but no luck.
I tested with a laptop of MacOS 10.15.3, and installed the same SUS profile, this laptop could load 10.15.4 updates, but not latest 10.15.5
Unchecked and rechecked updates after 5-20 on SUS and applied. still can't load on client laptops.
Created a new branch and install new SUS profile on laptop, still load all updates but 10.15.5 ones.
Upgraded NetSUS to latest 5.0.1, still no luck.
Ran repo_sync in /var/lib/reposado/ and abled to retrieved updates from successfully, no error showed up, but still no luck.
Does anyone have the same issue?