New DMZ server woes...

Valued Contributor II

So I was able to get support on the line to help getting my DMZ server to look for my intranet DB. Now upon launch, however, the DMZ server fails to initialize and give a Database Connection Error.

The following error was encountered:

Communications link failure. The last packet sent successfully to the server was 0 milliseconds ago. The driver has not received any packets from the server.

Please verify the following items:
-MySQL is running on [server IP]
-MySQL is accepting network connections
-The user jamf@[server IP] has been granted privileges to the jamf database

Oh, to add to this, we just upgraded to 9.0 in the middle of this. And before you ask, yes we did point grant all privileges. On my intranet server, hosting the DB, it only allows me to show the JSS WebApp on the localhost, and it doesn't show any other servers tied in. Were running RHEL 6 in DMZ and RHEL 5 inside.


Valued Contributor II

So it looks like it was a server communication error not sending traffic through 3306 even thought the ports were open. Turns out it was a routing table issue on our DMZ server.

View solution in original post


Valued Contributor II

So it looks like it was a server communication error not sending traffic through 3306 even thought the ports were open. Turns out it was a routing table issue on our DMZ server.