New Home Directory Server

New Contributor

Last week, I moved everyone's home directories from a Windows 2003 server being retired to a new Windows 2008 server with a different name. I remapped the home directory attribute in Active Directory to reflect this change. When my clients login (all 10.6.8 and newer), the new home directory mounts correctly but we always get an error stating it could not mount the old server's folder. I've been looking for a while to find where that old server is referenced and I'm not having any luck. I've deleted login keychains, deleted, as well as looked in DSCL to find only references to the new server.

I've also verified nothing in MCX is calling to mount the old server. Any ideas where I can look to find this link?

More info: Windows 2008 A/D environment. Most clients are 10.6.7 or 10.6.8 with few 10.8.x. Behavior is consistent with all OS X versions.

OS X Clients are only bound to A/D and we use Casper to provide MCX settings.

EDIT: Forgot to say we do not use PHD's. We are all mobile users, though.
