Posted on 04-14-2014 09:10 AM
Hey, has anyone managed to get one of the new cylindrical Mac Pros to work with JAMF 8.73? We can get it enrolled, but it doesn't seem to find any policies, even though there are tons of them scoped to it on the every15 trigger.
Interestingly, management via JAMF 9 works flawlessly. This makes me think that JAMF 8 has an issue with this hardware. Can anyone confirm our observations?
After a reimage it now seems to be working. However, we had to re-enroll via the URL after imaging, as our usual QuickAdd process failed. Something is definitely wonky with these new systems on JAMF 8... perhaps this will be the impetus we need to move to 9.3!
Posted on 04-14-2014 09:17 AM
I've gotten in a couple of 2013 Mac Pros and have had no problems getting them enrolled with our 8.73 JSS. I just checked on one of them in my JSS and the logs show that it's running the policies that it's supposed to.
Posted on 04-14-2014 10:08 AM
I've deployed three 2013 Mac Pros so far and the same thing actually happened on one of them. I got it working again by removing the JAMF framework, deleting the service account and removing the computer ID from my JSS. When I ran the Quickadd pkg on the machine everything seemed to work. I'll keep my eyes out for when we ever get another one in.
Posted on 04-15-2014 06:02 AM
No issues here with the new Pro under 8.73. There might be some other issue with your 8.73 environment, or perhaps how this Pro was set up.