No licence was found for app

New Contributor II

Two Particular Apps, plenty of licenses, short of nuking the ipad, is there anything I can look at in JAMF itself?


Message as follows:
No licence was found for app ““.


New Contributor III

We're having the same issue with a few apps and a few iPads. I have a ticket open and it looks as if it is a product issue. For troubleshooting purposes I added a second VPP location and transferred some licenses, which instantly worked on the affected iPads. What also worked is scoping the app to All Mobile Devices in that site instead of scoping devices/groups, if you have enough licenses you could try that.

Interested if resetting the iPad helps, please let me know. I'll also update if anything comes up.

New Contributor II

I tried a second VPP Location, and changing the scope as suggested. No go.
Then I nuked the ipad, all the other apps went back on as expected, and the troublesome ones, remained the same problem.
I agree thinking this is an apple issue. But, I just want to see something working.

Thanks, Jess

New Contributor III

Thanks for letting me know.

I changed the scope for another app, which worked on nearly all devices but there is still some that just won't install, so sadly not a workaround.

Jamf Support checked my VPP token and the licenses add up correctly.

@spimentel If you haven't done so already, you might want to open a ticket as well.

Release Candidate Programs Tester

We are having the same issues as well. with gmail as well. Seems like it must be an Apple issue. 

New Contributor II

So, I ended up doing the following:
Scoping a replacement device in the Pre-enroll... did the setup and it worked fine. (Troublesome Apps installed without issue)
Removed the troubled ipad from the Pre-enrollment, and moved to a seperate Pre-Enrollment, and wiped it. (Troublesome Apps installed without issue)