NoMAD - Password doesn't meet policy requirements

New Contributor

Our company has our Macs domain joined and we use NoMAD. We have this issue plaguing our users where when they try to change their password through NoMAD it will tell them "New password doesn't meet policy requirements" even though the password they are using does meet the requirements. It's seemingly random but seems to pop up for one or two users every month.


The solution that works for us is to unbind the MacBook from the domain and rejoin it. After that the user is able to change their password like normal through NoMAD. Has anyone else encountered this or have any solutions?


Esteemed Contributor

Just an FYI, NoMad is fully end of life. I would very strongly recommend replacing NoMad, like yesterday. As it directly deals with credential management. I also recommend moving away from domain binding as that is another deprecated process from Apple. 

Jamf to Archive NoMAD Open-Source Projects


As far as your issue directly. NoMad is specifically designed for non-domain joined environments. NoMad should not care if a device is unbound and rebound. Have you tried deleting the user account and putting it back on the device?

Valued Contributor

This is a known issue, we actually came up against it again today.