Posted on 02-23-2010 01:34 PM
If you work in academia and in a 1:1 you might want to read this. I have been following the case. I know this is not Casper related, but I thought I would share.
Posted on 02-23-2010 01:57 PM
Be sure to read the comments. I personally fee that this guy, while
On Tue, Feb 23, 2010 at 4:34 PM, Thomas Larkin <tlarki at> wrote:
technically literate, has presented a fairly biased case against LMSD
and Michael Prebix. Some of the commenters get it and some don't. The
bottom line is that we don't know all the information in this case and
too many people are judging prematurely without having enough
information. The MSM isn't helping any.
And that this guy continues to insist LANrev is "spyware" isn't
helping either. Like any powerful tool, there is potential for abuse.
I'm willing to give both sides in this case the benefit of the doubt,
which is more than most people have been doing. As a technologist
planning for a 1:1 laptop program, it's incredibly frustrating to see
accusations being leveled with little merit or proof. I can easily see
myself or my fellow technicians being accused of "spying", when all
we're doing is using ARD to troubleshoot or install software or offer
We've already updated our privacy statement to give to any parents who
express concerns (as prompted by this case). I'd be willing to share
this statement off-list, if anyone is interested.
I'd like to think that we're all innocent until proven guilty, despite
the shrill fearmongering and sensationalistic reporting of this case
over the last few days.