Office 2008 and EWS

Honored Contributor


Has anyone had any issues/pointers in packaging Office 2008 12.2.3 and
Entourage EWS? I had them as two separate packages (12.2.3 as priority 10,
EWS as priority 11) and on Imaging I end up with Setup Assistant crashing.
The 12.2.3 package all on its own works fine. So I tried EWS as the mpkg
installer and that failed. I'm thinking of just making an EWS version of the
12.2.3 package so it's all in one but wanted to see if anyone else had some


Jared F. Nichols
Desktop Engineer, Client Services
Information Services Department
MIT Lincoln Laboratory
244 Wood Street
Lexington, Massachusetts 02420


Contributor III

I’ve always done it as a single package. Both products get installed before I take my snapshot. If I don’t want the Entourage application there, like in labs, I clean it out later with a script.

Craig E

Valued Contributor

I've created 2 separate Office 12.2.3 packages, one with EWS and one without, in Composer I push either down as needed. Both have worked fine.

There seems to be some occasional "quirkiness" to pushing out some OEM .pkg and .mpkg installers. I tend to build my own in Composer if it's not too much of a pain.

-- Ted August
Salve Regina University