NOOB prestage enrollment question.

New Contributor

I am teaching myself jamf on the fly it's going well so far. I just have one burning question. When I go to Devices> Prestage Enrollments> Scope> View should this always be populated with devices? I am just wondering why once the enrollment process is complete why they would stay populated in that list.


New Contributor III

The scope view includes all devices that are currently assigned to that prestige enrollment profile, not just the ones that have yet to enroll. 

The list represents which devices will use that specific PreStage profile when it is enrolling with Jamf, including when it is re-enrolling after being erased. That's the core reason this list doesn't reflect the current enrollment status of the assigned devices: PreStage assignments persist past erases, deleting the device record, and unmanaging the device. The next time the device tries to enroll using automated enrollment during the setup assistant, it will use that same enrollment profile.