As obi-k and jcarr mentioned above, you can run sudo jamf
checkJSSconnection to make sure that the Mac can contact your server,
sudo jamf recon to have the Mac check-in and update inventory, and
finally sudo jamf policy to run any pending policies th...
I don't have any experience with the cloud IdP portion, but assuming
user permissions are handled the same as they are with LDAP, then you'll
still need to grant permissions to the group you want to be able to sign
in. Jamf Pro can see the groups and...
Jamf no longer updates or distributes Recon, and it was removed from the
software package in version 10.43. It looks like they're getting rid of
their client apps, since they also announced that Jamf Admin has also
been deprecated and is to be remove...
I don't know a ton about managed Apple IDs, but I can say that failed
activations likely aren't something that you would be able to resolve
through anything on the device or management side; usually you'll have
to take those problems straight to Appl...
The scope view includes all devices that are currently assigned to that
prestige enrollment profile, not just the ones that have yet to enroll.
The list represents which devices will use that specific PreStage
profile when it is enrolling with Jamf, ...