Notification Center Database

Contributor II

We are using Jabber for Mac and have a corporate policy to not record conversation history. So it was easy enough to disable chat history in Jabber itself, but I'm seeing that the Notification Center is also storing messages. Switching off Notification Center for Jabber is doable, but if I receive a few messages and then turn notification center back on for Jabber i see those notifications. So it seems notification center is caching this somewhere regardless if i have it switched on or not. I see the database for this is at ~/Library/Application Support/NotificationCenter/<ID>.db and there is a "notifications" table with an encoded_data column. I'm guessing this is where it's stored. But i'm not sure if just running a execute command policy to delete this is the best option, or will even work for certain. Has anyone else come across this or have any thoughts to prevent the messages from being stored to begin with?


Contributor II