Nudge with Erase-Install refuses to open Self Service

New Contributor II

I have several older OS machines to upgrade, Big Sur, Monterey, Ventura.  I am configuring Nudge to launch the Erase-Install script but when Nudge attempts to launch the actionButtonPath of "jamfselfservice://content?entity=policy&id=2909&action=execute" the screen flashes and I get an error stating that "Self Service Quit Unexpectedly."

Now if I open self service first and THEN click the Update Device button the upgrade starts and completes successfully, but I doubt many of my users would think to do this and I would rather this not be the 'permanent' solution.

Is there a known issue (with solution) where the installation URL from Self Service does not function as expected?

Thank you in advance!


Valued Contributor

Yes, it was introduced with 11.6.1. PI119354

New Contributor

Were you able to find a workaround or solution to this? I'm facing the same issue, but haven't found a fix yet other than opening self-service in tandem with the Nudge window.

New Contributor II

We ended up with a two prong approach.

The upgrade policy has a description which presents to the user "IF you see "Self Service quit unexpectedly" then please click "REOPEN" and try again."

Someone smarter than I put together a policy that installs a version of the Jamf Self Service application that runs at sign in and immediately hides along with a Configuration Profile that allows the launch of the hidden application.

This configuration is working great to upgrade the Ventura computers to Sonoma.  I am still struggling to upgrade Monterey to Sonoma; This configuration works great in my office on a test computer but has only installed to ONE computer in the field so something is still wrong which I will figure out as soon as all of the Ventura computers have upgraded.

I hope that helps!

Okay interesting, I may look into something similar. Thank you!

Forgot to mention - after some testing I found a slight workaround that isn't ideal but may work for you in your Monterey environment. I've replaced the "actionButtonPath" to simply open Self-Service rather than try to execute the policy. For whatever reason it is able to do this successfully; and from there I just have a message on the Nudge window that explains that they should start the Erase-install self-service item that we have there. String added in actionButtonPath: