NYC Metro JAMF User Group : Quadrophenia

Contributor II
Contributor II

hey All, starting to run out of good thread names :)

Hoping to get together a slightly later than originally intended 4th meeting of the NYC JUG. I have been away and have not had a chance to pencil anything in until this week.

Tentatively, Is September 3rd a good date?

With Yosemite and iOS8 coming very soon, it may be a good time to meet so folks are ready to go day one.

Let me know what you think, and i'll see if i can reserve space and get everything setup. As always, Casper admins of all skill levels and focus are invited.



Contributor III

Looking forward to it!!!!

New Contributor

Sounds good

Contributor III

Sounds good.

Contributor II
Contributor II

Hey all,

Link is up: come and get em.

I do not have a speaker lined up this time, if anyone wants to share their JAMF deployment story, drop me a line @mmdowjones or at my email ( which is on the event receipt) and we can discuss.


Contributor II
Contributor II

Hey there folks, we are all set for tomorrow.

No one has stepped forth as a speaker this month, but we can discuss options for who will speak at the next meeting tomorrow. With Yosemite/iOS8 coming soon and Casper 9.4 out, we have plenty to talk about.

Pizza will be served, and working on a gluten-free/veg option as well. if anyone has any special requests, let me know.

Registration is closed, but if there are any last minute additions, we can most likely accommodate them, just drop me a line here.

Looking forward to seeing everyone.


Contributor II
Contributor II

Hey there NYC JUG members,

Thanks for the great turnout last night for our "back to School" meeting and sorry for late pizza, but late pizza is better than no pizza :) Good to see some regulars to the meetings come out as well as some new faces. Hope to see everyone again soon.

for those of you that didn't attend, we did a bit more freeform discussion than we have done in the past as we didn't have a speaker this time out ( volunteers are greatly needed for our next couple of events), but we dove in and discussed:

Upgrading to Casper 9 - If you haven't done so already, now is the time. Responses from the group included tips and tricks on what to watch out for when upgrading from 8 to 9.

Yosemite and iOS8- Christos Drosos from Apple was on hand to talk about some of the things that can be publicly discussed with the upcoming OS releases.

Casper 9.4 features: Henry Patel from JAMF talked a bit about the new features of Casper 9.4 and group discussion that followed centered on the enhancements in user notification (especially for new software), Self Service, and BYOD.

VPP and DEP- Continuing on discussions from 2 meetings ago, we discussed where these programs seem to be heading in regards to how Casper can tie into them.

Overall, i think a very successful meeting, and i'm looking forward to seeing the next meeting get off the ground. Next meeting will probably occur in late November/Early December and i'm working on getting a few of the group regulars involved in the organization of the next meeting as i may be away for the birth of my second child. Definitely want to keep the momentum going, and everything will be in the capable hands of the group.

if anyone has any questions, feel free to reach out, and hope to see you all at a future event.
