Off Site Downloading

New Contributor II

Hi All,

Our File Dist Point is hosted onsite and users cannot get access to this unless they are on our internal network.

I have to change the wallpaper of our machines all at the same time and planned to upload this is a web server and then have our Mac's silently download the file to their hard drive. (To the shared folder on the hard drive)

I would then push out the settings to change the wallpaper via a second policy/profile.

I believe I would setup the silent download by using the "Curl" command, but i'm not sure on how to write this.

Does anybody have any examples?

Thanks in advance


Honored Contributor II

The basic command would be curl --output desktoppic.png. You would then add a few other commands to put in the right place and set permissions etc.

The curl command would change depending on whether its a https server, self signed cert etc, but this is the basic command.

Valued Contributor II

If it needed to be done on a certain date/time, I wouldn't rely on a JSS policy. How about building a launchD and script? You can put this script in a directory. Add in a launchD and you should be good.

#this file is                                

#number of seconds since 01-01-1970 UTC  
today=`date +%s`

#only run if later than 22Feb2016.  Change that number to the epoch time you want it to change on.  Google Epoch time for more info.

if [ $today > 1456149780 ]; then
    mkdir -p /usr/local/todd
    curl --output /usr/local/todd/toddiscool.png
    osascript -e 'tell application "Finder" to set desktop picture to POSIX file "/usr/local/todd/toddiscool.png"'

   #uncomment below lines to make it a one-time event.  Else it'll set the desktop 25200 seconds.
    #launchctl unload -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.mycorp.sss.plist
   # rm /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.mycorp.sss.plist
   # rm /usr/local/todd/


And a LaunchD

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">

This is totally untested, and just written quickly, but should get you enough for what you need. BTW, didn't there used to be a setting in the JSS to cache a policy for offline use? I didn't see that anywhere.

Contributor II

@thoule The caching option is only when you have the trigger set to ongoing. It has been asked before to have it accessible outside that trigger.