Posted on 02-04-2008 09:48 AM
We just received our enterprise version of office 2008. Has anyone made a
package yet? Any tips or tricks on making the package? Also any way to
import existing accounts or dose this need to be done by hand.
Rich Dagel | Senior Technology Specialist | Landor Associates |
1001 Front St. | S.F., CA. 94111 | 415 365 3933 |
Posted on 02-04-2008 12:34 AM
Entourage conduits? Like for Palm? Microsoft is not offering any conduits
On 2/4/08 1:16 PM, "John Wetter" <john_wetter at> wrote:
and the old one from 2004 doesn't work. They're favoring Sync Services.
William M. Smith, Technical Analyst
Digital Information Systems Support
Merrill Communications, LLC
(651) 632-1492
Posted on 02-04-2008 12:37 AM
Yes they are leaving out all pda winmobile phones and only supporting
phones. I guess they are looking at market share for the iPhone. Still is
a market left for Missing Sync!
Posted on 02-04-2008 11:16 AM
We haven't yet. Apparently the EDU bundles aren't ready yet so we can't get our CD set. I'm eager to give it a try though to see how the entourage conduits work now. Let us know how the package making goes!
Posted on 02-04-2008 01:06 PM
Conduit was a poor choice of word I guess. It's the new web services connection which they currently call their WebDAV service. Apparently all Exchange clients will be moving toward this including Outlook.
Posted on 02-29-2008 12:23 AM
Anyone else taken a stab at this? The packaging itself isn't bad but getting the Office Identity to populate in an Active Directory managed environment seems to be a chore so far.
Posted on 02-29-2008 12:25 AM
I haven't done it yet, but I plan to test this soon to see if it will still
work with 2008:
Posted on 02-29-2008 01:00 PM
I've done just a little testing with the script and it does work for Office
2008 on Mac OS X 10.4. I haven't yet tested with Office 2008 on Mac OS X
10.5. Some new definitions were added to Entourage's AppleScript dictionary
to specify the use of Kerberos but I haven't updated the script to include
them yet.
I'm not understanding the problem regarding the identity. A new identity
will be created or an older identity will be upgraded. There's little reason
to pre-populate an identity for someone. Keep in mind that you can
pre-populate script items using the /Applications/Microsoft Office
2008/Office/Office First Run folder. (Office 2004 had an Entourage First Run
folder but that seems to be non-existent in Office 2008. I'm not sure if
Office 2008 would still honor the folder if it were created.)
As for Casper the package as it arrives should be able to go directly into
the repository via Casper Admin without any modifications (I haven't tested
yet, so I'm speculating). But a couple of security exploits have been found
so you'll want to be aware of those and plan accordingly. Check the 'Office
2008 Known Issues' link here
William M. Smith, Technical Analyst
Digital Information Systems Support
Merrill Communications, LLC
(651) 632-1492
Posted on 02-29-2008 01:25 PM
I've done minimal testing too. Pushed package to a machine with an existing
Entourage DB, AD profile, and left FUT and FEU unchecked and everything has
been working smoothly.