Office 2016 Preview block

Valued Contributor II

Just as a heads up, the 2016 Office Public Preview is out...

looking into how to block it now as a restricted process.


Also, no Lync included in this, which I find interesting. Maybe Microsoft is going to stop issuing it and just use Skype?

Yep, Lync will be going away and MS will be using "Skype for Business".

New Contributor III

Blocking this would be so much easier if we were able to block applications based on their signature instead of their path alone. See my new feature request that came from trying to block Office 2016 Preview.

In the end we went with using Restricted Software and blocking the following paths:
/Applications/Microsoft Word
/Applications/Microsoft Excel
/Applications/Microsoft PowerPoint

OneNote, is in the same path as the App Store version of OneNote, so we could not block this.

/Applications/Microsoft OneNote

New Contributor III

@Fveja Sorry, this is probably kind of a noob question, but how do you block the paths?

Esteemed Contributor III

@Fveja our colleague @jaharmi told us he would also like to see the ability to block apps.

Can I ask you to post your thoughts on bocking apps in the JSS 10 thread?

JAMF are monitoring that thread:

Will JSS 10 finally bring us easy patch management?


Honored Contributor


I used the script you posted above (fixing the "Office 2015" to "Office 2016") and it works very well.
I need to get the "OK" for this, but it seems to do what you set out to do nicely.

Not applicable

Office 2016 Preview updated to 15.9; individual app updates are available along with a new Microsoft Auto Update (MAU) 3.0.5 in .pkg format.

FWIW when I was prompted to install the MAU update, I was able to command-click on the proxy icon in the Installer window to locate the downloaded .pkg, and copied that to the desktop - no sign yet of this being downloadable otherwise.

Also, the OfficePreview.pkg has not yet been updated to these new versions.

Not applicable

Also, in true Microsofty fashion, installing MAU 3.0.5 and checking again does not list any updates from 15.8.1 to 15.9.

Valued Contributor II

it offered mine...

Valued Contributor III
Valued Contributor III

I got the 15.9 to show up after the new MAU installed. Honestly the only thing that's still puzzling to me about all of this is the lack of Skype for Business preview. Come on guys, get it together. The official client is already being pushed this month on the Windows side, but NO preview for Macs? MS is the worst.

Not applicable

Ah, just needed to launch one of the 2016 apps first, now the 775MB Preview Update shows in MAU.

EDIT: nope, although MAU claimed a Preview Update, which I was hoping would cover all four apps, it only downloaded the Word update.

Valued Contributor II

as a side not with the update 3.0.5. if you selectively install updates and install them. you have to exit the updater and go back in to get it to check again. just telling it to check for updates after the install results in the items you selected still being selected, but you can't choose any more or deselect them

Valued Contributor II

You seem to have to launch Word, check for Updates, launch Excel, check for Updates, et. al. in order to see the individual preview updates.

Or download the individual updates: