Offset for Monterey for logout scripts: Python issues

Contributor II

need logout  item that reboots the computer each time someone logs out (why, you ask? because...reasons...). using Offset, was able to do this easily for Big Sur. 

But unlike Outset, Offset hasn't been fixed for Python 3 compatibility, and python 2 is gone with 12.4 and above.

Tried to fix Offset using 2to3 but it's not working still on my Monterey box 

so now struggling with writing a launch Daemon that will do this. 




Contributor III

Hello Teodle,

Can you explain more about ofset, I am really unsure of what you are talking but I would like to help you out on this issue.

Feel free to reach me on JamfNation or Slack @Samstar777 



Salim Ukani