Posted on 11-22-2017 01:15 AM
We have a mixed environment where we use AD for our patient care network and OpenLDAP for our research network.
We had issues with mobile accounts in High Sierra. Since macOS 10.13.1 the mobile accounts work again with AD, but we still have issues with mobile accounts with OpenLDAP. I try to explain as clear as possible what our issue is.
We only use OpenLDAP for user authentication. We use rtrouton script for OpenLDAP: This still works and we can login. As long as the account stays a network account we can logout and login.
But as soon as the account is converted to a mobile account we cannot login anymore. We use the command /System/Library/CoreServices/ -n "$loggedinuser" (where $loggedinuser is defined at the beginning of the script). This has been working from Mac OSX 10.8 till macOS 10.12.6.
The strange thing is that when we upgrade a Mac from macOS 10.12.6 to 10.13.1 the existing mobile accounts work, but a new mobile account cannot login anymore. Even the 10.13.2 beta doesn't solve the issue.
Has anyone experienced the same issue and found a solution to this problem? We've been trying to see where it goes wrong, but we haven't found any clue in the logs.
Posted on 08-21-2018 07:46 AM
Did you find a solution to this issue? We have the same problem with FreeIPA (as our LDAP server). As far as we can tell it's something with the authentication/kerberos on High Sierra. When upgrading the account from Sierra to High Sierra and then using a migrate to local user script and then the resetpassword utility will not fix this issue, in the end to get local user to work (off network) we had to delete the user, backup the home directory, then create manually on the machine and write back the home directory. This is no where ideal.
Posted on 08-21-2018 10:45 PM
@bmcdade We haven't found a solution yet. For the moment we use the same workaround as you. We are in the middle of a migration from OpenLDAP to SambaAD. Since our OpenLDAP also has issues with Windows 10 they only way we can go now it to migrate to SambaAD or Microsoft AD. We've tried a lot of things, but nothing worked. And lately we gave up trying and we hope that in a few weeks we are migrated.