Posted on
12:37 AM
- last edited
3 weeks ago
We upgraded 3 MacBooks to 10.15 yesterday for testing purposes. all were DEP enrolled via ABM. 2 of them are still reporting the OS version as 10.14.6. They have both had very recent and regular check ins.
Anybody else seeing this?
We are using Jamfpro in the cloud so the version is the latest - 10.15.1
Posted on 10-09-2019 01:07 AM
A simple Check-In does not update the Hardware or Software information. Did they do a Inventory update since the upgrade?
Posted on 10-09-2019 01:10 AM
Whats your update inventory policy set to? as inventory is not updated by the checkin process.
The default Check-in will be 15 mins, but the default for inventory policy is only once per week.
Posted on 10-09-2019 01:17 AM
Thank you both, pretty new to this :-).
Yes, we setup many policies in the self service portal to also update inventory. And also a once per week frequency for automated inventory updates. Running this manually now has all Catalina devices displaying correctly in Jamf.
Posted on 10-09-2019 07:41 AM
I'd recommend updating inventory once per day as it will help greatly with the scoping of policies and profiles. On a related note, try to limit the amount of inventory updates you call in profiles, e.g. only when you need computers to fall into/out of scope. Constant inventory updates can cause performance issues and will increase your database size.