Opinion Needed: Is it wise to deploy a Windows Virtual Machine via Self Service


Hi Everyone,

My organization is testing the use of Self Service to deploy Windows virtual machines, the VM file we want to deploy is very large (~10GB or more). We are testing this because we can keep the Windows image more updated with security patches and Windows updates so a network deploy is preferred.

My question for everyone is this, is deploying a Win VM via Self Service a wise course of action? Are there other, more efficient ways of doing this? Any caveats to be aware of or other thoughts/ideas/suggestions?

Responses are much appreciated, thanks guys!


Valued Contributor III

I wouldn't say 10 GB was overly large, we deploy a number applications of a similar size using Self Service.
You just have to make sure your checking space and ensuring the machine is going to sleep, it probably also isn't a great idea to try it over Wi-Fi.
My answer is not really specific to VM's just to large files in general.


You can cache it before running it. Eg rtrouton OS upgrade


Also if you are using SCCM to manage Windows Workstations inc VM, it can be a nightmare when you are providing a compliance report to the management for Software Updates as VMs are rarely online.


We've done it before with about a ~7GB size VM, and it does indeed work, but often we just resorted to plugging in a local drive to get it installed. Much faster, and like @Look said, you have to make sure the machine doesn't go to sleep and it's not over wifi.


Agree @jkuo we used to deploy via a thumb drive but IT Security doesn't want us doing it that way anymore since the version on those drives aren't updated regularly.


@lakingsfn yes, indeed, we were running into that problem as well, our prepackaged VMs got stale really fast. :(