OS X Yosemite Beta 1 Out


Get it while it's hot



New Contributor

Already working with it since first release...it's worth it :) get it & love it

Valued Contributor

Technically it's Beta 4, just the first public beta.

Valued Contributor

Is it a different build number than Developer Preview 4?

Valued Contributor

14A299l is the Public Beta

Contributor II

Hey Matt, what's up. how goes it.

Looks like AD is broken, I can bind to the domain, but cannot login. This was working in in DP 1 briefly.

Reset password window comes up, and does not function.

Valued Contributor III
Valued Contributor III

@johnklimeck did you bind to AD before or after installing the Yosemite? I have a machine on the latest DP and Active Directory is working fine… although I did have the machine bound to AD before running the Yosemite installer.

Contributor II

.....although I did have the machine bound to AD before running the Yosemite installer

Yeah, I think that is how I saw it working in the early Yos beta, DP 1, it was working for me.

But, doing a clean install of DP4 on a separate partition, no upgrade, and binding via dsconfigad or via GUI, binds to AD, but won't login... get this password reset window, (without the number of days specified (as 10.9x does), and even if you opt to reset password, it does nothing. Something's up

Valued Contributor II

@johnklimeck][/url][/url not to break NDA too much, but I can confirm this. I got around it by making a local account with my domain short name and then using my local admin account and Rich Trouton's convert a local user to domain user script.

Legendary Contributor III

Question - Which major OS X release in its history has NOT broken AD functionality, at least to some level?

Valued Contributor III
Valued Contributor III

Ugh, seriously @mm2270. I still have users that are randomly dropped out of the admin group on their machines. It's so frustrating.

Valued Contributor II


Which major OS X release in its history has NOT broken AD functionality
so true. I was actually surprised it worked in the first developer releases.


I've just started messing around with Yosemite by doing a fresh install and then binding to AD. Network users could not log in until on a whim I tried logging in with domainusername and password. This worked and now AD users can log in using just username and password.

The other thing to note at this stage is that users' network home drive do not load in the dock as they should. You can browse to them in finder and in fact the connection to the server is already there in Finder but you have to browse to the correct location of the home drive.

Both of these are a big deal in our environment...
